
The year is 2088. Eleven-year-old Nash now lives full-time on Misty Space Station with his father, Orson. His best friends on the holiday spaceship are Raj and KC.  When a distress signal is received on Misty Space Station from a colony of researchers and scientists living on Mars, Captain Malik decides to send an urgent supply mission.  Given the vast distance to Mars, the only way Nash, his brilliant father,  Orson, and the Space Kids can reach them in time is using an experimental technology: a powerful space cruiser that travels faster than any vehicle ever invented before.   Their courage, teamwork, and resourcefulness will be crucial if they have any hope of completing their daring supply and rescue mission.

About the author(s)

Aleesah Darlison is an internationally published, award-winning Australian author of over 65 books for children. She is known for her books that champion the cause of animals and the environment and for her stories that empower children. Aleesah has won or been shortlisted for many awards including the Book Excellence Awards, the Environment Award for Children’s Literature, the Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards, the Speech Pathology Book of the Year Awards. In 2021, she was awarded an Australia Day honour from the Sunshine Coast Council (QLD).