
The Landing at ANZAC, 1915 challenges many of the cherished myths of the most celebrated battle in Australian and New Zealand history – myths that have endured for almost a century. Told from both the ANZAC and Turkish perspectives, this meticulously researched account questions several of the claims of Charles Bean’s magisterial and much-quoted Australian official history and presents a fresh examination of the evidence from a range of participants. The Landing at ANZAC, 1915 reaches a carefully argued conclusion in which Roberts draws together the threads of his analysis delivering some startling findings. But the author’s interest extends beyond the simple debunking of hallowed myths, and he produces a number of lessons from the armies of today. This is a book that pulls the Gallipoli campaign into the modern era and provides a compelling argument for its continuing relevance. In short, today’s armies must never forget the lessons of Gallipoli.

About the author(s)

Brigadier Chris Roberts AM, CSC (Rtd) spent 35 years of military and combat experience in the Australian Army, including operational service in South Vietnam with 3 SAS Squadron, and was Adjutant 5 RAR, OC 1 SAS Squadron, and Brigade Major 1 Task Force. More senior appointments included Commanding Officer – The SAS Regiment, Commander Special Forces, Director General Corporate Planning – Army and Commander Northern Command. Retiring in 1999 he spent 7 years in executive appointments with the Multiplex Group, and since then he has worked as a volunteer in the Military History Section of the Australian War Memorial. He is a graduate of the Royal Military College, Duntroon; the University of Western Australia (BA Honours in History); the Army Staff College; the United States Armed Forces Staff College; and the Australian College of Defence and Strategic Studies.

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