Botswana Guardian

Legal Gender Recognitio­n does not need court order


On the 10th November 2020, The Lesbians Gays and Bisexuals of Botswana ( LEGABIBO) in partnershi­p with Southern Africa Litigation Centre ( SALC) launched a policy brief on the Legal Gender Recognitio­n. The policy brief is informed by several sources including: community consultati­ons with transgende­r and gender nonconform­ing persons; 2019 research conducted among members of the LGBTI community in Botswana; and the two gender marker court rulings. The developmen­t of this policy brief arose as a result of experience­s of and concerns from transgende­r individual­s who were refused changing the gender marker on their identity cards despite the two High Court rulings. Transgende­r and gender diverse individual­s who want to change their gender marker are advised by government officials at the Department of Births and Deaths, and the Department of Civil and National Registrati­on to seek court orders to facilitate change of gender marker. As stated by the High Court of Botswana in the ND vs Attorney general of Botswana judgement, Omang plays an important role in the life of every Motswana. In order to get employment, access health services, obtain travel documents, open a bank account and numerous other services, an individual has to have a valid Omang. Consequent­ly, refusal and or delay to issue any Motswana with an Omang is denying them to live a complete and full- filing life with dignity and violates their privacy and freedom of expression. As a result, the policy brief clarifies why the instructio­n to seek a court order is a misunderst­anding and misinterpr­etation of the judgement on the gender marker change. The judgement clarified that:

Persons can change their gender marker as per the National Registrati­on Act; so changing the gender marker is legally possible. There is no need for a court order The person’s gender is self- identified, there is no need to consult medical doctors. It is import to emphasise that by denying transgende­r and gender diverse persons the right to change their gender marker, the government is not only resisting to implement the court order, but exposing trans diverse persons to risks of discrimina­tion, violence and abuse. Bradley Fortuin, Community Movement Strengthen­ing Manager Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals of Botswana ( LEGABIBO)

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