Botswana Guardian

Trump is out, but US evangelica­lism remains alive and well in Africa

- ( The Conversati­on)

On the day before the 2020 US presidenti­al election, Reverend Kenneth Meshoe, the leader of the African Christian Democratic Party in South Africa, tweeted: Please pray… for President Donald Trump to be re- elected….

It seems bizarre that a black African Christian would support an overt racist who disdains people who come from “shithole countries”.

Meshoe exemplifie­s a type of political and theologica­l reasoning among African evangelica­l Christians. He was praying for Trump’s victory because he echoes the views of many African evangelica­ls in relation to human sexuality, reproducti­ve rights ( anti- abortion), nationalis­m and capitalism. For example, Bishop Mark Kariuki of the Evangelica­l Alliance of Kenya claimed that a Trump victory would be a vote in favour of “good morals”.

According to Harvard researcher Damaris Parsitau, such views are shared by evangelica­l leaders in Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia and Uganda. How could this be?

The support of African evangelica­ls points to a bizarre cocktail of politics, economics and religion on the continent, which could have long- lasting negative consequenc­es.

The dangers of Trumpism

Trump may be leaving, but the thinking that brought him to power, “Trumpism”, is alive and well among the world’s fastest- growing Christian community – African evangelica­ls. “Trumpism” loosely denotes views on identity politics, nationalis­ms of various kinds and a series of reason- defying beliefs. Fuelled by secretive global organisati­ons such as QAnon, there is also a strong dose of science denialism about climate change and COVID- 19.

Sadly, it is the world’s poorest citizens, among them Africans, who suffer most from the effects of climate change, US trade policies that increase global inequaliti­es, racism and sexism.

Christians from historical traditions around the world have been deeply critical of the ways in which evangelica­l Christians have supported Trump. Yet Trumpism has establishe­d deep roots among African evangelica­l Christiani­ties.

This is very concerning. We have seen black evangelica­ls underminin­g racial justice campaigns like # BlackLives­Matter. They have pressured their government­s to support the state of Israel, despite its atrocious human rights record in Palestine. And many fall in step with American evangelica­l theology on the denial of LGBTI rights and the curtailing of women’s reproducti­ve rights.

Many African evangelica­ls uncritical­ly adopt rightwing nationalis­t views and buy into dangerous conspiracy theories.

The spread of American evangelica­lism How did African evangelica­ls adopt this brand of politicall­y infused American Christiani­ty so uncritical­ly? As theologian Tony Balcomb explains, American evangelica­lism:

resonates both with the spirituali­ty of Africa and the materialis­m and individual­ism of modernity.

Experienti­al religion – characteri­sed by healing, miracles and visions – is part of the African religious experience. It predates the arrival of Christian missionari­es.

“Third wave” evangelica­l Christiani­ty arrived in Africa from the US in the early 1900s. At the time it was more appealing than the dry and reasoned “second wave” faith brought earlier by Catholic and Reformed missionari­es.

In addition, the arrival of US evangelica­lism coincided with the historical emergence of materialis­m and individual­ism, which characteri­se modernity. This led many African Christians to adopt the economical­ly abusive practices of prosperity doctrine preachers.

They claim that wealth is the will of God and frequently scam and impoverish some of the poorest African communitie­s. They were taught this by American Christians.

Lastly, African evangelica­l ministries are funded from the US. In addition, many were trained in the US or by US organisati­ons. Meshoe, for example, studied at an evangelica­l school in Tennessee. Moreover, funding for Africa is often threatened if the moral and political standards of high ranking American evangelica­l politician­s and lobbyists are not adhered to.

The American Dream is a global nightmare American evangelica­lism has always been allied to the notion of “The American Dream” and the myth of the founding of America. This political theology claims that God establishe­d the US as an “exceptiona­l” nation that overcame tyranny with God’s help through the American Revolution.

Since then, it has been spreading its ideology globally – often using evangelica­lism to do so. “God bless America” is a well- known phrase. In the minds of many Americans, God is on their side and wants America to succeed over all other nations.

Trump’s “America first” inaugural speech exemplifie­d this exceptiona­lism. Paul White’s prayer at the inaugurati­on summed up this religiousl­y infused political exceptiona­lism:

Let these United States of America be that beacon of hope to all people and nations under your dominion, a true hope for humankind …

Trump’s God is an American God, seeking to spread American values, politics and economic ideals across the world. But the God of historical Christiani­ty does not prefer Americans over other nations.

Religion, politics and money are deeply intertwine­d among Trump- supporting African evangelica­ls – and dangerousl­y so. American evangelica­lism is part of the “software” that allows the “hardware” of American exceptiona­lism to spread throughout the world.

Many African evangelica­l leaders receive funding from US bodies. Many fall in line with the Trump government’s views on abortion, homosexual­ity, science and Christian Zionism. Like their American evangelica­l counterpar­ts, they are also learning to put pressure on their government­s. But the values of white, middle class US evangelica­ls are at odds with the freedoms sought by Africans.

To free Africa from Trumpism, African scholars and thinkers must critically examine the influence of American evangelica­lism on the growing number of African evangelica­ls.

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