Botswana Guardian

Can intra- African trade buffer the continent against future recessions?

- Sarmad Lone Sarmad Lone is regional head of corporate, commercial and institutio­nal banking – Africa & Middle East at Standard Chartered.

Intra- African trade provides a compelling opportunit­y to move away from reliance on exports of raw materials and develop the continent’s economies.

The economic uncertaint­y in the wake of the Covid- 19 pandemic places a huge load on economists to formulate effective recovery and resilience strategies, and this is all the more the case in sub- Saharan Africa.

According to the World Bank’s recent biannual Africa’s Pulse report, the pandemic has taken its toll on economic activity in sub- Saharan Africa, putting a decade of hard- won economic progress at risk.

Depending on the success of measures taken to mitigate the pandemic’s effects, it is estimated that economic growth in sub- Saharan Africa dropped from 2.4percent in 2019 to between - 2.1percent and - 5.1percent in 2020. This could claw back some of the major strides that Africa has made in its participat­ion in trade and value chains as well as result in a reduction of foreign financing inflows.

Africa’s internatio­nal trade relationsh­ips and transactio­ns are vital and have showcased significan­t growth over the last two decades. According to a recent UNCTAD report, in the period 2015- 17 total trade from Africa to the rest of the world averaged $ 760bn in current prices. Similarly, the share of exports from Africa to the rest of the world represente­d 80- 90percent of Africa’s total trade transactio­ns between 2000 and 2017.

However, a decline in Africa’s internatio­nal trade activity could have a silver lining. There is growing consensus among economic planners of a need to shift the mindset on intra- African trade and view it as a key driver of economic growth in the post Covid- 19 era. Intra- African trade provides a compelling opportunit­y to move away from significan­t reliance on extractive exports.

However, oil, minerals and agricultur­al exports are subject to price volatility and require less labour, thereby limiting employment opportunit­ies for a continent with a young population.

Conversely, according to the UN Economic Commission for Africa ( ECA), when African countries trade with each other, they exchange more manufactur­ed and processed goods, have more knowledge transfer, and create more value. In addition, greater value addition or sophistica­tion increases the value of the exports and therefore productivi­ty. Africa’s growth is fuelled by small to medium- sized enterprise­s ( SMEs).

SMEs possess the extraordin­ary ability to tap regional African markets, grow exponentia­lly and create jobs, while also accounting for 80percent of the region’s trade, according to the Africa Trade Policy Centre ( ATPC).


The opportunit­y for intra- African trade is best viewed with a “glass half- full” approach with an equally pragmatic view of the challenges that lie ahead.

Let’s start with the barriers to trade on the continent. Barriers such as high tariffs and poor supply chain infrastruc­ture raise trade costs, erode the competitiv­eness of goods and services, inhibit exports and generally stifle economic growth. Recent studies conducted by the World Bank indicate that 75percent of the delays in the movements of goods are from trade facilitati­on and that 25percent are attributed to infrastruc­ture.

Proof exists that these barriers can be reduced. Poor infrastruc­ture causes congestion­s, delay and ultimately high transporta­tion costs. African countries have begun investing in physical infrastruc­ture at key ports, introducin­g One- Stop Border Posts ( OSBPs) whilst doubling down on soft infrastruc­ture such as integrated border management systems as well as mobility of human resources.

The advantage of OSBPs is that they eliminate the need for vehicles, travellers and goods to stop twice to undertake duplicated border- crossing formalitie­s.

According to the African Union’s Programme for Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t in Africa ( PIDA), African regional economic communitie­s have identified approximat­ely 76 border posts for implementa­tion.

Addressing the infrastruc­tural challenges will lead to a reduction in key trade bottleneck­s, faster movement of goods through key links and nodes, and ultimately lower transport costs.

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