Botswana Guardian



Avani Gaborone Resort and Casino hosted a one- of- a kind lifestyle event. Held in the hotels garden, the laid- back set- up was just right for the weather.

The event featured an array of activities that included Katabox, yoga, and to top it off, attendants were treated to a healthy meal that stayed true to the theme of the day. Also happening on the day, Journey of Hope was on hand to impart informatio­n about Cancer. The event saw partners such as Journey of Hope, and Orthosurge Botswana coming together in a fun, high powered session under one roof. The event is Avani Gaborone Resort and Casino’s effort to equip the public with informatio­n and tools on keeping healthy and fit during COVID- 19. The establishm­ent also seeks to cement the fact that they care about the wellbeing of their clients and the community at large. The high- powered Chyna Mokaila lived to expectatio­n. Mokaila is a whole ball of energy. He is something else when he puts on his instructor cap. His high powered Katabox is not for the faint hearted. And the good thing about his fun work- outs is how they literally hit each and every body muscle. If you are yet to see him in action, just know that he will pump up your heart beat, and tone you in an instant. What makes his work- outs unique is the fact that he has been doing this thing for so long, and he knows how to take his students on an amazing journey. Charity Thubuka is not for play. The Fitness Instructor is behind Fitness Games and she is based at Virgin Active. Thubuka or Ms Cha when she is in business, challenged those who were in attendance to sweat a bit, and test their muscle endurance through a functional training session. So, you can imagine going through a high paced session like the one that she had, right after Mokaila. Excellent for weight loss, and fat loss; It was something epic, and some were almost ready to throw in the towel.

The thing about her session is how it took the attendants out of their comfort zone, and challenged them to see how much they can. She explained in an interview that her session was all about testing muscle strength and endurance. She also says that she wanted the audience to test themselves. “I wanted them to challenge themselves, and see how long they can keep doing the same things over and over,” she says.

She further says that her sessions, like the one she had on Saturday, are not only for those who are advanced. She can also offer the same sessions for beginners. “We want to see more people doing this,” she explains, noting that the idea is to get the heart rate working. She further notes that while pain might be part of the session, the benefits of doing this was worth more than the pain.

Also happening on the day was a bit of Yoga to cool the attendants especially after the high- powered sessions that they had. Led by Thabiso Lolo Monageng, she gave them a chance to work on their strength, balance and flexibilit­y.

In a world where there is so much happening, Yoga is something that can help not only those who were in attendance but everyone else to relax, and align their Chakra.

Life has been so hectic, and many have lost themselves with everything that has been going on around them. Adding to this is the fact that some lose or have lost their self- identity, and are just moving for the sake of moving, without any real purpose. This is something that Monageng wants people to take care of. Monageng is testament of what Yoga can do for one. Growing up, she was an active child, but kind of stopped when she was around 10 years. And then in 2017, her passion was sparked. Monageng can be found at Virgin Active and Radiance Wellness where she offers Pilates and Yoga. “After the birth of my last born, I needed to find myself,” she said, adding that Yoga played a big part of helping her during that transforma­tion.

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 ?? ?? 1 OCTOBER 2021
1 OCTOBER 2021

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