Botswana Guardian



At this point it is very clear that the Ministry of Health and Wellness PSAs about Covid- 19 are not getting through to a certain hardpartyi­ng, vaccine- shunning generation that is still carrying on as if we are living in May 2018. Some among them don’t want to get the vaccine because that would interfere with their plans for successive “secret locations” merrymakin­g sessions. It is reasonable to suppose that this resistance is coming from those who are yet to get acquainted with the biggest punisher in the Covid family. Explaining how this punisher debilitate­s the body is not helping and is the reason why we have to find an equivalent experience from the world they live in. We thought it may be a good idea to compare the strengths of Covid variants to alcoholic beverages. The strength of the earliest Covid- 19 variant ( Alpha, United Kingdom origin) is somewhere between the alcohol- free St. Louis 24 and St. Louis proper - whose strength is only 3.5 percent. The strength of the second variant ( Beta, South African origin) is equivalent to Hansa beer plus one Tequila shot and the strength of the third variant ( Gamma, Brazilian origin) is equivalent to that of four glasses of Scotch whiskey. Those variants are nothing compared to the Big Punisher: the strength of Delta ( Indian variant) is equivalent to a whole bottle of Stroh 80, an Austrian- origin, laela- mmago type of alcoholic beverage. Did you know that Adolf Hitler was Austrian? We’ll allow you one good guess what he had taken when he thought he could singlehand­edly take on the world in 1939. So, when MOHW officials appear on Btv, they should just tell the youth that Delta would do to their bodies what Stroh 80 does to them at secret locations.

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