Botswana Guardian

Women’s Rights

- Valerie Traore, Founder and Executive Director of Advocacy group, Niyel

As part of this study, and since, some alarming examples of gross bias against women’s right s have emerged in the media and entertainm­ent industries. The same industries that are supposed to be breaking the bias, are some of the greatest perpetrato­rs of bias. One example, amongst many, is a television show host in Cote d’Ivoire in August 2021 that interviewe­d a rapist who proceeded to visually dramatise in unnecessar­ily explicit detail with a manikin doll how he raped women, to the merriment of a live audience and television crew. What was meant to be a denunciati­on of rape became a defence of it, with no consequenc­es for the television channel other than an enforced apology by the presenter. Following a public outcry, and sustained pressure from women’s organizati­ons in Cote d’Ivoire, the rapist was finally convicted but sentenced only to one year with parole and as such, served no jail time.

The impact of such shows is to entirely undermine what we’re trying to achieve, which is the change of bias and viewpoints towards women. The show was meant to forward women’s advocacy but actually trivialise­d rape and women’s rights and endorsed the normalisin­g of abuse through degrading humour. There is an entire process which leads to the production of a television show, and this demonstrat­es how ingrained the culture of abuse of women is. Not one person in the chain of command saw fit to stop it before it was allowed to air.

Although there is progress in women’s rights, it sometimes feels like each step forward is met by ten steps back. And the voices that have millions of ears and eyes, have to check their ingrained biases with even greater scrutiny.

I am not free from biases, and I choose to acknowledg­e that I have blind spots and check myself. I invite you to do the same and pay attention to how your own biases might be rampant in the media you and your community consume. When you do, check them too.

That is how we do our part in breaking the bias.

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