Botswana Guardian

Kaboyaone publishes Stitches & Scars

A poetry anthropolo­gy


The newly launched book; ‘ Stitches & Scars’ is a poetry anthology that evolves around the themes of: Love, Life, Lust and Loss, as it gives an insight into real life situations. Author of the book, Katlego Uyapo Kaboyaone, better known as Kats, shares with BG Style that the book was inspired by her understand­ing or perception of what love is, what lust does, what loss brings and life’s peaks and valleys. It was published last month by Kingdom Publishers in Gaborone, and Kats says this is her dream come true as it is her first official published book. She is of the view that, life often has hurdles to throw at people and so she had to use her poetry talent to encourage and motivate people through this book. “The title of the anthology, Stitches and Scars means Healing and Recovery, both, mentally and physically. Every deep wound needs to be stitched to heal. After healing, such wounds leave scars, and these are the scars that leave our bodies as art galleries that tell of who we are,” she says. To her, reading and writing is a therapy, hence she has always wanted to publish a book that could impact people’s lives. She actually started writing when she was doing Form Four, with the influence of her English Literature teacher, Mr Kgomonne, who made her see herself as the next author one day in life. She is a lover of Shakespear and admits that the wellknown writer’s work has fully impacted her as an upcoming author too. Stitches and Scars

poems are deliberate­ly not arranged in any order. The reader would move from a love poem to a death poem, and from a death poem to a heartbreak poem. Kaboyaone says this is to show the readers that life has no rhythm, but has its own peaks and valleys. She also adds that, the book cover, through its colours and the pictures of the heart, with a tapestry of different colours mainly compliment her as a human being. She says, emphasizin­g that the book is meant for everyone but mainly those who have been broken, and those who would also at one point experience a heart break. ” Everyone breaks at one point and it is inevitable, so in a nutshell, this book is for everyone,” she says.

“The feedback I have been getting is heartwarmi­ng, regarding this book, I must believe that this is because everyone has experience with at least one of the themes in the book,” Kats says.

The blurb of the book reads: “Stitches & scars is a tapestry of my heart with all its beautifull­y knitted stitches over open wounds and brokenness. A tapestry of a heart that decided to weave with each thread it was hanging onto than to stay dangling.

It will stroke the brush of my mind over the canvas of yours.

Layer after layer with each turned page and stain your pristine minds with delineatin­g words. And as you walk through the library of my mind read how loss, lust, love and life has left our bodies as art galleries that narrates who we are.”

Kaboyaone says aspiring authors should be bold enough and unleash their potential and write to liberate themselves and others. She believes that writers can change one’s life indirectly since ‘ the pen is mightier than the sword’. Stitches & Scars is currently available as hard copy and can be ordered from her in Gaborone, Cassie Paul in Maun and Gorata Boago in Gantsi. Soft copy is available on Amazon.

 ?? ?? Katlego Uyapo Kaboyaone*
Katlego Uyapo Kaboyaone*

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