Botswana Guardian

No black car for Saleshando

Leader of Opposition barred from using official vehicle to his constituen­cy

- Nicholas Mokwena BG Reporter

Botswana Congress Party ( BCP) President and Leader of Opposition, Dumelang Saleshando has been barred from using his official motor vehicle to travel to his constituen­cy.

The instructio­n comes days after Saleshando won a case against government regarding provision of security at his private residence. Saleshando, who said he has been receiving messages of support following the announceme­nt of the court order on the impasse between him and the Office of the President, regarding provision of security at his residence, said he was shocked to hear the latest news. He said even though he is celebratin­g his court victory, he would not be challengin­g the new instructio­n regarding the motor vehicle.

Saleshando, who is currently out of the country, confirmed these developmen­ts to Botswana Guardian. He is expected to engage with the Speaker of the National Assembly, Phandu Skelemani next week Tuesday upon returning from his trip.

“I have now been told that I may not use my official vehicle to travel to my constituen­cy whilst ministers and assistant ministers are permitted. By giving in to the unjustifia­ble and unfair decisions, I allow President Masisi to assume that he is above the law and that I am below it. Even as I celebrate the decision, I am clear in my mind that this is one issue that should never have gone to the courts. As early as November 2019, I had a cordial meeting with Speaker Skelemani, where we agreed on all matters pertaining to my office as Leader of the Opposition, including provision of security,” explained Saleshando.

According to the Leader of Opposition, it never made sense to him why the President chose to involve himself in the matter and sought to clothe himself with powers that he clearly did not have. Besides, I would have thought that the President is too busy to be concerned with mundane and routine issues, he added. He said the President has however, proved him wrong.

He stated that initially he was minded to ignore the issue and maintain his own security. Saleshando pointed out that he also knew that it will be security today, and tomorrow President Masisi may issue another instructio­n that violates the law pertaining to the benefits of Leader of Opposition.

“Under President Khama, I was instructed not to address Kgotla meetings outside Gaborone and I allowed the decision to stand. Many thanks to the BCP team of attorneys who consistent­ly avail their time to advise and act on the legal issues we tackle. Special thanks to Martin Dingake and his team who took up the case. Unfortunat­ely, the tax payer has to pay for the case that was never necessary, had the President stuck to his lane.”

 ?? Dumelang Saleshando ??
Dumelang Saleshando

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