Botswana Guardian

Cuban community in Botswana commemorat­es July 26th

- Potlako Bogatsu

The embassy of Cuba in Botswana commemorat­ed the Cuban Revolution Day at the residence of the South African High Commission­er in Phakalane on Tuesday, July 26th.

The event brought together members of the diplomatic community, members of political parties, and government officials all of which are considered ‘ Friends of Cuba’.

Cuban Ambassador to Botswana Orlando E. Alvarez Alvarez reflected on the struggle for freedom that engulfed their nation 69 years ago.

Ambassador Alvarez noted that it was the inherent passion and strength of the Cuban people that carried them through their fight for freedom.

“For many years, the workers' movement, the students, other groups of the society, used political tools like the strikes, and even weapons to finish what the mambises ( guerilla Cuban independen­ce soldiers who fought against Spain in the Ten Years' War) had started in the previous years, the total independen­ce of the country.” Alvarez noted that various attempts to sabotage their fight for freedom were seen throughout time. “Twenty thousand lives were sacrificed in the fight for Cuban freedom,” Alvarez said, adding that the spirit of the participan­ts in the action, and their ideals of justice, dignity, and patriotism have permeated Cuban society in all these years since. Alvarez is proud of his countrymen and women who laid down their lives for freedom. He said that their lives inspire and guide the new generation­s of revolution­ary Cubans who prepare themselves for defending the revolution­ary conquest. “Our struggle is not over,” Alvarez noted, saying that Cuba faces new forms of aggression, attempts to destabilis­e the country taking advantage of the difficulti­es in the economy, the industry, the supply of food and medicines to the population, created by an economic and financial blockade that has existed for the last 60 years and was reinforced during the Covid- 19 pandemic.

The 26th of July is an important date as it set into motion a series of events that would liberate the Cuban people from the Spanish colonisers and against American neo- colonialis­m. South African High Commission­er to Botswana, Thaninga- Soumah congratula­ted Cuba on her firm stand emanating from its people’s deeprooted passion for freedom, which has inspired them to fight for liberty. Soumah added that the Cubans have also participat­ed in the struggle for freedom of various African countries.

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