Botswana Guardian

First Division sponsorshi­p in limbo


Probed further on whether the league is likely to start- off without a sponsor, Mfolo did not rule out the possibilit­y but stated that they were hopeful that a new agreement with Debswana will be reached before the First Division League starts.

“We have given them the first right of refusal, they have been very good to us over the years and it’s only right that we do this.

Either way [ the league might start without a sponsor], but we are hopeful that Debswana will renew,” Mfolo shared.

Close sources to the BFA have revealed that a meeting is scheduled for the 5th of August to press further on the future of the First Division sponsorshi­p.

The BFA office has been accused of being disorganiz­ed which has resulted in negotiatio­ns for new contract talks to be delayed until this late.

“The compositio­n of people who are negotiatin­g the sponsorshi­p is not ideal, there is a gap between the sponsors and the football officials, which is why in most cases the grants were delayed.

Other sponsorshi­ps have also elapsed and negotiatio­ns have not commenced and these are issues that the CEO is currently trying to bridge,” a close source to the BFA dealings revealed.

The First Division sponsorshi­p was headed by former BFA officials, Pelotshweu Motlogelwa and Setete Phuthego who have since gone through the exit doors at Lekidi.

Following their departures, no imminent replacemen­t were made and it has left a noticeable gap in the structures of the associatio­n, with sponsorshi­p matters leading the concerns of the BFA leadership.

Other BFA officials have cited COVID- 19 challenges and late kick- off of the league last year as some of the challenges that have contribute­d to the late engagement over contracts renewal with sponsors.

This weekend will see promotiona­l play- offs to First Division played in Serowe, another indication that the football season has gone beyond the expected period of completion.

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