Botswana Guardian

Avoiding heat illnesses in sports ( Part 1)


Eantihyper­tensives, tricyclic antidepres­sants, thyroxine and benzodiaze­pines.

In general terms, players should be advised to minimize the use of all medication ( where possible). The use of alcohol can also predispose to thermal illness.

5. Acclimatiz­ation: This is an issue for teams travelling to a hot environndu­rance sporting activities such ment. Where possible, a team should as Football, rugby or netball, arrive well in advance of competitiv­e amongst others are frequently matches. played in hot and humid conditions. This allows acclimatiz­ation to occur

In some situations, especially when and can be a very effective way of both there is also high humidity, players may preventing heat illness and thereby develop heat illness. enhancing performanc­e. After travel

During exercise, the body core temling to a hot climate, athletes adapt, perature rises and may exceed 40° C. leading to an increased plasma volume

Heat is produced from endogenous and venous tone and alteration­s in the sources, such as muscle activity and sweating mechanism. These sweating metabolism, and exogenous sources, changes include earlier onset of sweatwhere heat is transferre­d to the body ing, an increased amount of sweating, when environmen­tal temperatur­e and an increased dilution of the sweat. exceeds body temperatur­e. When the This means that the sweat has a lower environmen­tal temperatur­e equals or sodium concentrat­ion. All of these exceeds the body temperatur­e, evapochang­es allow an athlete to perform ration is the predominan­t mechanism better in a hot environmen­t. of heat loss, providing approximat­ely The minimum time required for

90 percent of the heat loss capacity. heat acclimatiz­ation for aerobic per

In hot temperatur­es, an increasing dated during ambient temperatur­es formance is probably two weeks. Howfractio­n of cardiac output is directed more than 38° C ( in practicali­ty at inever, within six to ten days, significan­t to the skin ( in an attempt to cool the tervals of each playing half). It is, howadaptat­ions can occur and adaptation­s player), thereby limiting performanc­e. ever, essential to recognize that even occur more rapidly in highly trained

In football, the intermitte­nt character well- hydrated players can be affected athletes. of the effort ( short bouts of sprinting Ambient temperatur­e in relation to by heat illness. With respect to hydraIt is usually recommende­d to live and and running in between periods of risk ( applicable to our setting): tion, dehydratio­n of at least ~ 2 percent train in hot conditions for at least 60 walking) limits energy expenditur­e and 25- 31.9 degrees Celsius: moderate body mass is needed to impair aerobic minutes per day throughout this time allows players to adjust their speed ac32- 38 degrees Celsius: High performanc­e in warm- hot conditions. but adaptation­s have been shown with cording to the thermal load. However, > 38 degrees Celsius: Extreme Practical strategies that can be used to shorter durations of heat exposure. The profession­al and elite players are more 2. Wearing appropriat­e clothing: monitor hydration include the color of adaptive responses are individual­ized athletic. They may push themselves Lightweigh­t, breathable clothing is a player’s urine and measuring pre- and and appear to vary significan­tly across harder than recreation­al players and needed when training and playing in post- exercise body weights. These can footballer­s.

30 BG SPORT may be more at risk of developing heat As with the medical conditions hot conditions. This type of clothing be good educationa­l strategies for playThe benefits of acclimatiz­ation are Botswana Guardian

August illness, however the latter are also at related to the environmen­tal stressors, allows evaporativ­e cooling to occur ers and can reinforce the need to pay www. lost botswanagu­ardian. more slowly than co. they bw are gained

Glory to Glody risk playing in such conditions. Playpreven­tion is possible and is a key ( evaporatio­n of sweat). Heavier items more attention to hydration. – usually over two to four weeks. Heat ing in an enclosed stadium may also considerat­ion. Mandatory cooling of clothing can limit heat loss through acclimatiz­ation may also have some impose an increased risk as the playing breaks were establishe­d in various this source. 4. Avoid medication putting athletes benefit as a training stimulus field is shielded from wind, the stadium sporting codes and are key to prevent NB: Do not use black plastics as unat risk: The use of some medication­s leading to improved performanc­e in walls may reflect radiation and there the developmen­t of heat- related illness dergarment­s for the purpose of weight can increase the chance of developing a temperate environmen­t. is additional thermal radiation from in players and/ or referees on the field of loss or endurance gain during these hot heat illness. The use of caffeine suppleIn all aspects prevention as outlined heated walls. play. Broadly speaking, the prevention conditions. mentation prior to a game, common above remains key in our setting where

In profession­al settings, objective of heat illness can be achieved through among many elite players, can increase we don’t have capacity for immediate measuremen­ts are usually done by the five key areas. 3. Appropriat­e hydration: Ensuring the risk of problems. Other medicamedi­cal support in the event of heat aid of a wet bulb globe thermomete­r that players are hydrated is an importions which may predispose to heat related illness or emergencie­s in sports

( WBGT) as the best measuremen­t 1. Avoid adverse times of day for tant strategy. Water breaks in the 30th illness include phenylephr­ine ( in cold which we will focus on in the next of heat stress. In its absence ambient training or matches: Where possible, and 75th minute of the game are man- and flu tablets), antihistam­ines, some edition. temperatur­e may be used to guide assessment of heat illness risk during sporting activity. The risk is proportion­al with temperatur­e rise:


matches should be scheduled for cooler times of the day. Playing in hot conditions both increases the risk of heat illness and impairs performanc­e. Event organizers should attempt to organize matches at a time where less heat stress and exposure is expected. They should reschedule matches where the heat stress is extreme.

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