Botswana Guardian

Managing heat illness in sports

- SPORTS MEDICINE with With Keenese Neoyame Katisenge Dr. BOGWASI

In general terms, heat illness occurs when a player’s body produces more heat than it loses. Muscle activity when playing football produces heat. The effects of heat exposure range from relatively modest symptoms to a life threatenin­g illness. Heat stroke is defined as a rectal temperatur­e greater than 40° C in conjunctio­n with changes in mental state or collapse. This is a medical emergency. In other sports, the risk of developing this condition is dependent on running speed and body mass. The highest temperatur­es are usually seen in the fastest runners and in those with a higher BMI. Heatstroke occurs when the heat generated or accumulate­d within the body exceeds the body’s ability to effectivel­y lose the heat. The elevated body temperatur­e causes damage to body tissues and stimulatio­n of an inflammato­ry response, which can lead rapidly to multi- organ dysfunctio­n and death. Heat stroke has profound effects on the brain and should be considered a neurologic­al


hot, wet skin ( because of sion is the best method prior sweating). This is of cooling but any heat in contrast to ‘ classical’ gradient will be effective. The athlete may present heat stroke where patients Cold- water immersion is with dizziness, weakness, have dry skin. Heat stroke faster than evaporativ­e nausea and headache but must be distinguis­hed methods like mist sprays the earliest signs may from heat fatigue which or a fan. It is however still be missed. The mental classicall­y presents with acceptable to use evaporasta­te changes can include

From page 32 wet and cool skin. Contive methods and limb confusion, irrational befusing these two entities immersion to cool the havior, aggressive­ness can be fatal. athlete. and drowsiness, for which a return to Botswana or South It is on also the important boy, the coach to himself, Brendan may progress to Africa. coma. remember Truter that expressed the severeseri­ous interest. Other Convulsion­s may occur.

As previously The reported management by this of publy hypertherm­ic players like athlete George is Maluleka, Keagan The most efficient temheatstr­oke must begin on

lication, Champions, Gaborone United likely Buchanan to be hypovolemi­c and even Teko Modise were perature recording is a the pitch. A player should and hypoglycem­ic.

also pushing Intrafor rectal thermomete­r had as shown it serious intensions to sign him to be signed.

not be transporte­d to hosvenous rehydratio­n will gives you the actual the midfielder core with CAF champions Remember the Zebras had training

pital until their temperate be needed in those with temperatur­e compared league to assignment­s has been stabilized on the and horizon. is sessions and match practices with

heatstroke who will not other peripheral Cooper recordwas less set than for a 38.5° return C. The to Morocco key be able Amazulu to orally rehydrate so they had seen him first ings which are variable. on the 7th of treatment June 2022 involves after the coolTunisi­a due to hand, their altered but unfortunat­ely mentheir foreign

In the outdoor encounter. sporting ing of the affected player. tal state. quota Blood was glucose filled. They however promactivi­ties such as football,

However, Basic he remained resuscitat­ion in the and country and electrolyt­es ised that they need are to likely to return for there are a number of risk life support is also very

and even trained with Gaborone Unitbe checked. his signature be it in January or end of factors for heat illness, important; therefore atincludin­g inappropri­ate ed before he joined the national team the season,” Moipone exclusivel­y told

tention must be given clothing, a prior for history COSAFA cup tournament, an event BG Sport.

to airway, breathing and In addition to heatof heat illness, concurrent that is not on circulatio­n the FIFA with calendar adminof ofstroke, there The are player a number has signed a 1 year deal or preceding viral ficial febrile events. istration Rated of as oxygen. one of the best of less with significan­t the Botswana heat illFootbal­l League illness and a failure midfielder­s to of It the is critical current to generation get the nesses. ( The BFL) major champions concern and will be expected appropriat­ely acclimatiz­e. locally, Cooper most is accurate admired temperaby almost is to ensure to help that the these team do retain their league

In addition, a number of

all the top clubs ture, so in in local this football. life- threatSout­h not progress and even to contribute the poto the champion’s medication­s may have an ening situation, a rectal tentially life- threatenin­g

African Premier Soccer League ( PSL) league campaign. effect on thermoregu­latemperat­ure is required. state of heatstroke.

teams are reported to be interested in Close reports suggests that Gabotion. Whether the athlete The athlete should be a) Heat exhaustion is is sweating or not the is services irof the player, with Mamerone United’s open door policy for

cooled rapidly as the a heat illness that does relevant: however, lodi Sundowns, the duration Supersport and degree United of and not meet players the criteria who attract for foreign interest was absence of sweating Sekukune is United hypertherm­ia all being is mentioned. proporheat­stroke one of but the presents key factors why he signed always worrying. Following Players an tional impressive to the COSAFA degree of cup with fatigue, as he can malaise always and leave if good offers with exercise- campaign induced last cellular month, injury. more and more dizziness. become The available. player’s Cooper, has been heat stroke present with teams were said Cold- to water be keen immerto tie him temperatur­e capped will 13 be times by the Zebras and has to a deal and Amazulu only just missed experience in the CAF Confederat­ion out on his signature as they had already Cup and Champions League, having filled their foreign players’ quota in the been part of a successful Township team. “Amazulu were very very keen Rollers side in 2018. emergency.


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