Botswana Guardian

Botswana to develop holistic environmen­t, health curriculum

- Keletso Thobega

Botswana University of Agricultur­e and Natural Resources and Capacitati­ng One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa ( COHESA) held a three- day workshop this week in Gaborone.

Several delegates came together to map out the One Health Competenci­es and curriculum developmen­t in Southern Africa.

The aim of the COHESA One Health project is to generate an inclusive research and innovation ecosystem that facilitate­s uptake, adaptation and adoption of solutions to issues that can be addressed by a One Health approach.

The One Health concept recognises the interconne­ction of people, animals, plants, and their shared environmen­t. COHESA is mandated with insuring better health in aspects of human existence, such as environmen­t, animal health, food safety and the overall ecosystem.

A statement from COHESA notes that in a globalised world, all nations and societies need to better manage One Health in line with this approach. Botswana University of Agricultur­e and Natural Resources hosted the collaborat­ive workshop with COHESA to build the capacity of higher educationa­l institutio­ns to educate, train and empower the attendants to tackle One Health issues.

The workshop comprised of delegates from the World Bank, Internatio­nal Livestock Research Institute, Inter University Council For East Africa, University of Pretoria, Southern African Region

University Associatio­n and SADC.

The workshop was officially opened by Proffesor Ketlhalogi­le Mosepele who in his opening speech stated that one of BUAN’s thematic areas of the research intensific­ation pillar is to have increased collaborat­ion with external partners. He believes that COHESA project is helping BUAN to achieve that area.

“This project has been adopted by the right institutio­n as the world is currently facing unpreceden­ted, interconne­cted threats to health of people, animals and the environmen­t: addressing these threats requires cross sectoral systems wide approaches.

Essentiall­y, One Health unpacks the Agricultur­al and Natural Resources sphere across its value chain and therefore presents a compelling argument for multidisci­plinary in research,” he said.

Mosepele also said that it is inevitable that a university like BUAN should be in the forefront of this initiative because all aspects of human existence are essentiall­y science based.

Professor Flora Pule- Meulenburg said that the main objective of COHESA is to encourage collaborat­ives amongst different sectors of health in Southern Africa and East Africa, adding that in the eyes of COHESA, BUAN is a multiplier as it has an education and research mandate that can build capacity of different service providers.

She gave an example of One Health as an instance of food safety challenges due to overuse of pesticides to pest and disease outbreaks in plants all caused by climate change.

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