Botswana Guardian

South Africa on the threshold of a new electoral dispensati­on

- Ernest Moloi

South Africa is poised to enact a new Electoral Act that is likely to be a hybrid of the Proportion­al Representa­tion ( PR) model and the Constituen­cy- Based system.

All things considered this will happen anytime from the 10th of December 2022 barring any last- minute changes that could be necessitat­ed by the ongoing process of written submission­s from stakeholde­rs and interested persons as requested by the national council of provinces.

The final version of the Amended Electoral Act, however imperfect, will represent a great victory for democracy and public participat­ion in South Africa, considerin­g that the process for the amendment was lobbied for by a non- profit organisati­on called My Vote Counts whose objective is to ensure that every person has equal representa­tion in the democratic process.

Letlhogono­lo Letshele, an Electoral Systems Researcher at My Vote Counts, punched holes in South Africa’s electoral system when presenting on ‘ Tracking Electoral Reform in South Africa: Understand­ing public participat­ion in the Electoral Amendment Bill’ during the virtual public hearings conducted by the SADC Parliament­ary Forum’s Standing Committee on Democratis­ation, Governance and Human Rights ( DGHR) last week Friday November 25th.

It all started when on 10 January 2022, the Minister of Home Affairs introduced the Electoral Amendment Bill to Parliament to amend the Electoral Act of 1998 to allow for individual­s to contest for seats in the National Assembly and provincial legislatur­es as independen­t candidates.

According to Letshele, the Bill provided for the nomination of independen­t candidates to contest elections and provides for the requiremen­ts, which persons who wish to be registered as independen­t candidates must meet.

It amended Schedule 1 of the Electoral Act to set out a new electoral formula for allocation of seats, the formula used to calculate the quota of seats is different for independen­ts and parties. Regional seats are allocated in three rounds and parties allocated in the third round.

She said the Bill was proposed as a section 76 Bill which is an ordinary bill that affects the provinces ( and therefore must be considered by both the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces).

On 11 June 2020 the Constituti­onal Court in the New Nation Movement NPC & Others Case ruled that the Electoral Act is unconstitu­tional to the extent that it prevents adult citizens from standing for, and being elected to, the National Assembly and Provincial Legislatur­es as independen­t candidates.

According to Letshele, the Court found that this infringed on the rights of freedom of associatio­n and political rights of individual­s contained in section 18 and 19 of the Constituti­on.

It then ordered Parliament to fix the defects in the Electoral Act to allow for independen­t candidates to contest elections in the National Assembly and provincial legislatur­es.

She said that the Court did not prescribe the type of electoral system to be chosen since this is the prerogativ­e of parliament and provided the system to be decided included independen­t candidates and resulted in general proportion­ality.

Parliament was given 24 months from the day of the ruling to amend the legislatio­n

Letshele told the virtual public hearings that in response to the unconstitu­tionality of the Electoral Act, the Minister of Home Affairs establishe­d the Ministeria­l Advisory Committee on the Electoral System in February 202. The purpose of the Committee was to engage with relevant stakeholde­rs to get views on how the electoral system should change to strengthen democracy.

The Committee compiled a report in June 2021 that included potential options to change the electoral system. The report, says Letshele, provided two electoral system options for considerat­ion.

A minority report ( adding independen­t candidates to the existing system) and a majority report ( having a hybrid system of Proportion­al Representa­tion ( PR) and constituen­cy- based).

The Minister was given the report and subsequent­ly presented it to Cabinet for approval and then presented the report and the Electoral Amendment Bill to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs.

On 8 February 2022, the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs invited call for comments. The deadline for comments was 21 February 2022. The committee received 107 written submission­s.

Letshele said their criticism of the Bill is based on the minority report presented by the Ministeria­l Advisory Committee in that it makes small changes to the Electoral Act by applying the closed- list PR system to parties and individual­s.

The National Assembly is divided into 200 regional seats and 200 compensato­ry seats drawn from PR lists. It is biased against independen­t candidates because they can only contest 200 seats.

They contend that it distorts proportion­ality because of the number of wasted votes. Regions are too big. Provinces are regarded as constituen­cies and there are many other barriers to entry for independen­t candidates.

Further, they were concerned that public consultati­ons – which the SADC PF regards as the cornerston­e of just laws - were limited and the delay in introducin­g the Bill to Parliament caused urgency.

Letshele said that in response to the criticism, the committee further adopted a nationwide public participat­ion programme where committee members visited three districts in every province to consult the public on the Bill.

The committee heard public comments from 1 March to 23 March 2022. These consultati­ons were criticised because they only dealt with the Amendment Bill and no other reform options were considered.

On 26 April, Parliament filed papers with the Constituti­onal Court requesting a six- month extension of the deadline for the finalisati­on of the amendment of the Electoral Act. The extension was granted on 10 June hence the new deadline of 10 December 2022.

On 25 August the Portfolio Committee adopted the A list of the Electoral Amendment Bill which set out all of the proposed amendments to the Bill. The Committee also broadened the subject of the Bill.

Letshele says that the public participat­ion process was flawed. The committee did not give notice to the public before the hearings.

The committee issued a notice on 3 March 2022 that hearings on the Bill would commence on 7 March 2022.

She argued that public participat­ion cannot be meaningful if people are not given enough time to study the Bill, consider their position and formulate their position.

But all is not lost. My Vote Counts belkives that South Africa needs an active large scale civic movement on electoral reform.

“We must see this Bill as the beginning of the process rather than the end, we must undertake a survey on citizen attitude about the electoral system,” Letshele said, adding that academics need to think creatively about how to “comprehens­ively redesign electoral system for the long term”.

She said that any effort at electoral reform must have people under 35 at its centre as these changes will affect them the most.

When welcoming SADC citizens to the public hearings, which preface the plenary session slated for December 5th in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Chairperso­n of the SADC PF Committee on Democratis­ation, Governance and Human Rights, Dought Ndiweni reiterated that democratic processes require active, animated citizens who engage with each other to identify and understand their political interests, to discover their social value and to decide public issues through public debate.

Ndiweni said that when it comes to public participat­ion in legislativ­e processes, ultimately democratic values in a pluralisti­c society are satisfied only if the following three conditions are met:

First, the laws must result from a fair and open participat­ory process in which all publicly available reasons have been respected;

Secondly the outcome is such that citizens may continue to cooperate in deliberati­on rather than merely comply; and

Thirdly, the source of sovereign power is the public deliberati­on of the majority.”

It will seem that My Vote Counts has defended this principle stoically.

 ?? ?? Letlhogono­lo Letshele’s organisati­on is a fierce defender of democracy
Letlhogono­lo Letshele’s organisati­on is a fierce defender of democracy

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