Botswana Guardian

BDP’s silly season begins


As battle lines are drawn, ahead of 2024 elections and as the ruling Botswana Democratic Party ( BDP) prepares for its primary elections following its Special Congress in Palapye, clashes are anticipate­d in some of its constituen­cies.

The party has resolved to hold primaries against the wishes of some who wanted the party to opt for an Adhoc Committee which would recommend candidates. Botswana Guardian Reporter, NICHOLAS MOKWENA scans through some of the hot regions.


Prominent businessma­n turned Politician, Reaboka Mbulawa, who is currently serving as North West Regional Chairperso­n, will be up against former Member of Parliament for Maun East Khonstanti­no Markus.

The race between the two has widely divided not only Maun East but the whole region. Close sources indicate that Mbulawa has made inroads in the constituen­cy with the likelihood of winning Bulela Ditswe, however indication­s are that Markus has a strong base among the elders in the constituen­cy, which might actually give him a slim win over Mbulawa.

In Shakawe, following the demarcatio­n of the constituen­cy to make Shakawe West and East, an easy sail to represent the party is expected for Akhim Setswaelo and Cameron Dina respectful­ly. In Chobe incumbent and Minister of Justice, Machana Shamukani is also expected to sail easily through Bulela Ditswe.

The BDP Secretary General, Kavis Kario has since been favoured by the demarcatio­n which pushed away former Secretary General and cabinet minister, Thato Kwerepe from Ngami constituen­cy to Maun West. Kario like his counterpar­ts in Shakawe is said to be standing a good chance.


The BDP currently enjoys three out of 4 constituen­cies in the region. What is expected to be a fierce race is between Nata Gweta Member of Parliament , Polson Majaga and retired Office of the President National Coordinato­r for Poverty Eradicatio­n Montshiwa Montshiwa. Montshiwa is said to be enjoying support of both youth and elders in the constituen­cy, something, which does not settle well with the incumbent Majaga. For now, it is not clear who exactly has an upper hand in the Constituen­cy. The veteran Oliphant Mfa is also expected to join the race.

As for Tati West, interestin­gly former BDF Army Trainee, Mokokomane has slated his name to face incumbent, Simon Mavange Moabi. Moabi, having defeated the then member of parliament for the area, Biggie Ganda Butale, is also expected to easily sail through Bulela Ditswe. The Shashe West constituen­cy on the other hand, seems democrats are reluctant to challenge Fidelis Molao, while in Nkange, a race is expected between the Regional Secretary, Bakani Thukuthe and a few more names not yet disclosed.


This is said to be one of the complicate­d regions. The battle lines have been drawn in Tonota constituen­cy. Councilors Baemedi Medupi and Andy Boatile are at loggerhead­s. Much is said to be on Boatile’s favour as democrats have grown tired of Medupi’s alleged insinuatio­n that he is being supported to take over the constituen­cy from Pono Moatlhodi by President Masisi and party Chairman, Slumber Tsogwane.

Honest Buti Billy faces an immediate threat from Francistow­n Mayor, Godisang Radisigo. It is not clear who exactly will remove incumbent Member of Parliament for Tati East, Douglas Letsholath­ebe. As for Francistow­n South and Francistow­n West, it is not yet known who will raise their hands as the current incumbents’ command huge support.


Who has forgotten the 2018 fierce race between the then cabinet member, Shaw Kgathi and Francisco Kgoboko in Bobonong constituen­cy. The battle resulted in Kgathi losing the primaries and having his appeal for a re- run dismissed. For the first time in a while, it seems there will be no fireworks. This is because Kgathi might not contest. Kgoboko is expected to face one Leonard Marumo, who is apparently not well known in the area. Kgoboko is believed to be the most favorite to win Bulela Ditswe while others indicate that the likelihood for Kgoboko to go into Bulela Ditswe unchalleng­ed is highly likely.

The incumbent Member of Parliament for Mmadinare, also Assistant Minister of Agricultur­e, Molebatsi Molebatsi is said to be facing a tough challenge from the man he removed from the parliament­ary seat of the area, Specially Elected Member of Parliament , also Minister of Lands and Water Affairs, Dr. Kefentse Mzwinila. Molebatsi is said to have made numerous complaints to the party leadership of Dr. Mzwinila’s visibility in the constituen­cy of which none seem to paint Mzwinila as campaignin­g. Dr. Mzwinila has been making donations and developmen­ts in the constituen­cy which have even unsettled the opposition. The race is expected to be more fierce than in 2018. In Selibe- Phikwe West, expectatio­n is to see Assistant Minister of Trade, Beauty Manake facing off with former Ministry of Education Director, Opelo Makhandela and media mogul, Dumi Lopang. Much of the flare is expected between Manake and Makhandela. They both come from Bobonong and have lived in Phikwe. Manake is said to be born and raised in Phikwe as her father worked for BCL mine, while Makhandela has vested business interests in Selibe Phikwe. Makhandela contested for the constituen­cy in the 2014 general election and lost to the incumbent Dithapelo Keorapetse of BCP then. Lopang who also serves in the BDP Finance sub- committee has been characteri­sed as a late comer in the race. In Phikwe East, the likelihood of seeing Amogelang Mojuta returning as BDP candidate for the general election is rapidly diminishin­g. Mojuta will log heads with the incumbent Mayor for Phikwe, including businessma­n and youthful former Botswana Movement for Democracy youth league member, Simon Sinku. Sinku is said to have made huge inroads in the constituen­cy which has bothered Mojuta and his team a lot.


Gaborone Central in every election is a constituen­cy of fireworks. Incumbent Member of Parliament Tumisang Mangwegape- Healy is facing a fierce challenge from musician and member of the Sports and Creative Arts sub- committee- Odirile Vee Sento and former BDP NYEC Chairperso­n and member of the BDP Political Education and Elections Committee ( PEEC) subcommitt­ee, Bontsi Monare. The race is much expected between Mangwegape- Healy and Sento after the PEEC Chairperso­n, Alec Seametso recently made a pronouncem­ent during the Gaborone Regional Congress that he will ensure Monare is removed from PEEC and vetted out for abuse of position to pursue his personal interests. Many are already insisting that should this be done, Monare will be forced to back Sento in the Bulela Ditswe which will ultimately be the end of Healy in parliament.

Gaborone North is another interestin­g constituen­cy. Many names have cropped up for the area with former Member of Parliament for Shoshong, Philip Makgalemel­e throwing his name in the race. Makgalemel­e is said to be enjoying the support of incumbent Member of Parliament for the area, Mpho Balopi. Balopi is yet to be clear on whether he will be contesting or not. Close sources indicate that Balopi is eying the Vice President post in the Masisi Presidency hence, in that case, there is no how he won’t contest. Other names which have cropped up are Member of the Communicat­ion and Internatio­nal Relations Subcommitt­ee, Dignash Morapedi and Reba Seema.

In Gaborone Bonnington North incumbent and Labour Minister, Annah Mokgethi will be up against ex- husband to Ambassador Dorcus Makgato, Ookeditse Malesu and the youthful Poloko Pitwane. Mokgethi has been tipped to have an easy win.

In Gaborone South, the Assistant Minister Dumedzweni Mthimkhulu is expected to have an easy ride as it is said that there is no credible candidate to retain the constituen­cy for the party even though he is not their favourite. His challenger in the 2018 Bulela Ditswe Monametsi Kalaamotho will not be contesting.

Gaborone Bonnington South is where the fun fare of Gaborone region and probably the BDP is expected. Ahead of the 2014 general election, incumbent MP Christian Greef had been suspended from the party following investigat­ions of fraud hence giving Botsalo Ntuane a chance to contest. There were claims that he de- campaigned Ntuane in the general election, pushing his supporters to support Ndaba Gaolathe. He later on won the 2019 general election. He is now facing a fierce challenge from former cabinet minister, Dr. Alfred Madigele and BDP PEEC subcommitt­ee member, who is also Gaborone United Executive Secretary Pelonomi Bantsi. Greef has already complained about Madigele in the constituen­cy, indicating that the former cabinet minister is capturing structures in the constituen­cy and making it difficult for him to work. Last week, in a voice alleged to be Greef ’ s in a leaked audio recording, declared a need for physical attention to be given to Dr. Madigele and Bantsi’s supporters

 ?? [ PIC: BDP FACEBOOK PAGE] ?? BDP members during the party's National Council and Special Congress held in Palapye recently.
[ PIC: BDP FACEBOOK PAGE] BDP members during the party's National Council and Special Congress held in Palapye recently.

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