Botswana Guardian

Excessive meetings take up 40% of productivi­ty time

- Veron Mosalakata­ne

Many organisati­ons are currently trapped in a culture of fruitless meetings that take up their productive time. Although meetings are critical in fostering collaborat­ion, improving communicat­ion, fostering accountabi­lity, and making business decisions, if they are, unplanned, unorganize­d, and extreme they can be a complete waste of time and organisati­onal pain. A good meeting must have a deliverabl­e or action plan at the end and if there is none, it shows that it was not a productive meeting. Not every decision or issue that has to be discussed should go through a meeting because there are different communicat­ion mediums to communicat­e with teams, and management especially if the decision or issue is not critical. Research by Harvard Business Review shows that out of 182 executive managers that were interviewe­d from different industries, 65 percent of them confirmed that lots of meetings constrain them from completing their work, 71 percent suggest that these meetings are inefficien­t, and 62 percent suggest that the meetings do not any how build collaborat­ion between management. The research also shows that 56 percent of participan­ts have confessed that they leave meetings without knowing what to do next because there are no action plans or deliverabl­es.

Further research by Skillcast Consulting conducted in United Kingdom indicate that executive management waste at least 2 days every week preparing for meetings, and this could be the time directed towards leading employees and managing the implementa­tion of the organisati­on strategy. The research further shows that 39 percent of employees admitted that most of the time they are dozing off or they are not paying attention during meetings. This means it is very important to be strategic and invite the right people to the right meetings because those who might not be affected or responsibl­e for issues that are discussed may be confused, uninterest­ed, or have boredom during meetings. This implies that unproducti­ve meetings contribute to the organisati­on operationa­l cost not only in terms of productive time, but also monetary wise. For example, if it is a habit that executive management meet 2 days a week, count their daily salary and multiply it by number of days. That is a huge operationa­l cost, and it indicates that the organizati­on is not maximizing the value of its employees. Furthermor­e, excessive meetings can have a significan­t impact on both employees and organizati­ons, often in negative ways like reduced performanc­e especially when it disrupts work plan and employee’s workflow leading to decrease in productivi­ty. Too many meetings also lead to burnout and stress, and this can negatively impact mental and physical health of employees. As result, it directly affects these employees’ work- life balance, morale and decreased job dissatisfa­ction.

To mitigate these negative impacts, organizati­ons should prioritize effective meeting management and promote a culture of mindful and purposeful meetings. This includes evaluating the necessity of each meeting, setting clear objectives, and encouragin­g open communicat­ion about the impact of meetings on employees’ workloads and well- being. Balancing the need for meetings with the need for uninterrup­ted work time is essential for maintainin­g a healthy and productive workplace environmen­t.

Other common strategies used to reduce excessive meetings is to consolidat­e and batch meetings. Many organisati­ons have scheduled of meeting plan and this some of the meetings can be consolidat­ed into one meeting especially those that are attended by similar participan­ts. To ensure that work is not interprete­d, it is critical to rotate meeting responsibi­lities among team members so that the whole team is empowered to have ownership of decision that are made and to improve their level of accountabi­lity. It is also important to time meetings and make it an organisati­onal standard because some meetings can take long time simple because people tend to focus on trivial issues and derail the meeting. Another strategy is to use alternativ­e communicat­ion channels such as email, chat apps, or collaborat­ion tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams for quick updates, shared folder and WhatsApp groups especially in case where the meeting purpose is to share specific informatio­n. Moreover, another strategy is to introduce meetings free weeks and this strategy has proven to increase employee’s autonomy by 83 percent, improve employee’s cooperatio­n by 61 percent, improve employee’s productivi­ty by 44 percent and reduce employee’s micromanag­ement 68 percent. In addition to the above, it is important to use decision making tools like the Eisenhower matrix to prioritize issues that deserve executive management meetings and those that can be delegated to line management or supervisor­s. This will reduce time taken by management in trivial meetings and enable them to focus on their strategic roles.

The Author is a member of African Excellence Forum, holds Master of Science Degree in Strategic Management, Certified Manager of Quality and Organizati­onal Excellence from America Society for Quality and he is also a Certified Profession­al Excellence Assessor. Contact: 72211182, Website: www. iqm. co. bw and Email: veronmosal­akatane@ gmail. com LinkedIn: Veron Mosalakata­ne

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