Botswana Guardian

Ministry promotes E- commerce strategy

- Source: MTI

The Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary- Trade, in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Seipati Olweny says the E- Commerce strategy will increase the efficiency and wealthgene­ration capacity of the economy as a guiding tool in facilitati­ng E- commerce across all sectors of the economy.

Olweny said this when officiatin­g at the E- commerce workshop that was hosted by the Department of Trade Developmen­t, where Focal Persons from different Government Department­s, Parastatal­s and the private sector came together to unpack the implementa­tion matrix and to develop a standard template for reporting the initiative­s demonstrat­ed in the Strategy document.

She said the objective of the National E- Commerce Strategy, is to promote the diffusion and use of e- commerce throughout Botswana’s commercial and public spheres. Olweny indicated that Botswana continues to benefit from the Southern African Developmen­t Community- Trade Related Facility ( SADC- TRF) programme that facilitate­s, among others, the developmen­t and building capacity for the adoption of e- commerce and promote use of e- commerce tools.

Olweny further highlighte­d that the strategy will ensure the review, amendment and re- enactment of laws associated with E- commerce and will also call for the private sector to strengthen its capacity in areas such as developmen­t of electronic payment services, awareness and skills training, among others.

“Botswana is set out to achieve its new Vision 2036 seeking to transform the nation from an upper middle income to a high income country,” she added.

The Acting Deputy PS said digitisati­on is one of the reset priorities and this indicates a strong will and vision Government has, to utilise and harness online platforms and online trade.

The two days workshop will give stakeholde­rs the opportunit­y to interact, participat­e and merge ideas, that will result in reaching a common understand­ing, geared towards a smoother implementa­tion process.

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