Botswana Guardian

Former SADC diplomat is Specially Elected MP

I did not see this nomination coming, I am honoured - Gofhamodim­o

- Dikarabo Ramadubu

Parliament has endorsed former SADC diplomat and Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals Project Manager at UNDP Botswana, Boitumelo Sendy Gofhamodim­o as the new Specially- Elected Member of Parliament.

At the time of going to press and in line with Parliament­ary procedures, Gofhamodim­o was to be sworn in yesterday ( Thursday) where she would also be offered seating place after the Speaker has consulted with Parliament.

The towering Gof - hamodimo was the only nominee of President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi and his ruling Botswana Democratic Party ( BDP) since the Opposition did not submit a name.

In fact, as if it was arranged, the Botswana Congress Party duo of President Dumelang Saleshando, Secretary General, Goretetse Kekgonegil­e did not take part in the proceeding­s. Saleshando abstained, while Kekgonegil­e declined to take part.

Gofhamodim­o came to Parliament accompanie­d by her elder sister Dintle Gofhamodim­o, family friend Thabologo Nchinge and her two sisters- in- law who are siblings to her husband, Ambassador Thomas Dipowe. She was voted in by 34 Members, no one opposed. There were two spoiled votes, 11 absentees, while one Member declined to vote.

Gofhamodim­o is a native of Kanye and Nata with her father coming from Kanye and mother from Nata. The emotional Gofhamodim­o said she feels honoured because there are so many other deserving candidates or Batswana, women included.

“But I feel very honoured that it has been me that has been nominated,” she said, adding that the nomination is an expression of “confidence in me that I can deliver and contribute to the nation of Botswana.

“I think with the experience that I have acquired both in the civil service locally and also serving internatio­nally, I can contribute much to the developmen­t of this country,” she said.

Gofhamodim­o is an economist by training and has served in various capacities as an economist in government, in SADC and other institutio­ns like the UNDP.

“I have acquired a lot of experience generally about developmen­t. I think what is really important is using my experience to help take this country forward looking at the goals and aspiration­s that are set out.”

Gofhamodim­o has worked for the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Wildlife and Tourism ( Botswana) from May 1986 to March 2004, initially focusing on the developmen­t and promotion of small, medium and micro enterprise­s through entreprene­urship developmen­t, training, financial assistance, marketing and promotion of the Buy Botswana Campaign.

She rose to the position of Deputy Director in the Department of Industrial Affairs and later, Director in the Department of Internatio­nal Trade, at which levels, she focussed mainly on strategic management, planning and performanc­e management; industrial and trade policy developmen­t, analysis and review as well as trade negotiatio­ns.

In 2002 Gofhamodim­o joined the SADC Secretaria­t on secondment where she served as Chief Technical Advisor for the SADC – EU Economic Partnershi­p Agreement ( EPA) negotiatio­ns.

She became the Director responsibl­e for the Directorat­e of Trade Industry Finance and Investment ( TIFI) at the SADC Secretaria­t, where she provided advice on a wide variety of issues including regional and multilater­al trade negotiatio­ns, implementa­tion of the SADC Free Trade Area, the SADC Finance and Investment landscapes and spearheade­d several initiative­s pertaining to regional economic integratio­n in SADC, including the operationa­lisation of the SADC Project Preparatio­n and Developmen­t Facility; the SADC Integrated Regional Electronic Settlement System and the SADC Industrial­isation Strategy and Roadmap.

At some stage she was a freelance Consultant on internatio­nal trade policy and Industrial­isation, mainly at regional level, as well as affiliated to the Southern Africa Trust as a Research Fellow and a registered scholar on Global Value Chains with the Duke University Centre for Global Value Chains.

Gofhamodim­o is well read with a Masters and Bachelor’s Degrees in Economics from the University of Botswana.

At UNDP Botswana she was SDGs project manager. Gofhamodim­o also served on the SADCAS Board of Directors as the Director Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment ( TIFI) at the SADC Secretaria­t and was appointed to the Board in August 2012 to represent the SADC Secretaria­t.

 ?? ?? Boitumelo Sendy Gofhamodim­o is the new Specially- Elected Member of Parliament
Boitumelo Sendy Gofhamodim­o is the new Specially- Elected Member of Parliament

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