Botswana Guardian

Bokhutlo- Mutapati is new Secretary General of TAEF


Botswana Editors Forum chairperso­n, Emang Bokhutlo- Mutapati is the new Secretary General of The African Editors Forum ( TAEF).

She was elected this week during TAEF’s bi- Annual General Meeting held in Nairobi.

The new executive committee consists of: Churchill Otieno ( Kenya) – Chairperso­n; Emmanuel K Dogbevi ( Ghana) – Deputy Chairperso­n; Emang Mutapati ( Botswana) – General Secretary, and Sbu Ngalwa ( South Africa) – Treasurer General.

The election was held on the side- lines of the Africa Media Festival and members participat­ed in- person and virtually. The new committee will serve a two- year term.

“In the vast and dynamic landscape of African media, our role as custodians of informatio­n, guardians of press freedom, and champions of ethical journalism has never been more critical.

“Today, we find ourselves navigating through turbulent waters where the very essence of truth is under siege. In the face of censorship, intimidati­on, and the insidious spread of disinforma­tion, our commitment to upholding the principles of journalist­ic integrity must remain unwavering.

“For it is in the pursuit of truth that we find our purpose, our strength, and our collective voice,” Churchill Otieno said.

The meeting considered among others, the urgent need for continenta­l cooperatio­n, solidarity, and finding suitable solutions for the future sustainabi­lity of journalism in Africa. The meeting also committed

to innovation and the building of future newsrooms that are more fitted to respond to numerous challenges often faced by news organisati­ons.

Mathatha Tsedu, veteran South African journalist and founding member of TAEF, was honoured at the AGM with a Lifetime Service to Journalism Award.

 ?? ?? Botswana Editors Forum chairperso­n, Emang Bokhutlo- Mutapati is the new Secretary General of The African Editors Forum ( TAEF).
Botswana Editors Forum chairperso­n, Emang Bokhutlo- Mutapati is the new Secretary General of The African Editors Forum ( TAEF).

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