Botswana Guardian

Euro 9 million pumped into STOSAR project

- Irene Shone

Botswana and Mauritius are implementi­ng measures to meet the requiremen­ts of the European citrus market, thanks to the ‘ Support Towards the Operationa­lisation of the SADC Regional Agricultur­e Policy’ project ( STOSAR).

The project – a collaborat­ion between the European Union ( EU), SADC, and the Food and Agricultur­e Organisati­on of the United Nations ( FAO), in partnershi­p with the region’s Centres of Excellence - has delivered several substantiv­e results in its five years of implementa­tion.

Some of these projects include; Tanzania’s accessed avocado markets to India, China and South Africa; Zimbabwe’s recent gained access to the China market to supply fresh citrus.

Namibia on the other hand is negotiatin­g the export of blueberrie­s to South Africa and the Netherland­s, as well as the export of table grapes to China; while Zambia is securing the export of blueberrie­s to South Africa and the export of soya bean meal and Stevia to China.

Speaking during the STOSAR Workshop and Business Expo, FAO Sub- Regional Coordinato­r for Southern Africa, Dr Patrice Talla applauded the European Union for its unwavering support through the European Developmen­t Fund ( EDF 11), for providing Euro 9 million to support the operationa­lisation of the SADC Regional Agricultur­al Policy ( RAP) aimed at improving the performanc­e of the region’s agricultur­al sector.

He said that their focus over the past five years was on the sustainabl­e transforma­tion of agricultur­e in the SADC region through enhanced access to reliable agricultur­al informatio­n and improved trade opportunit­ies.

Dr Talla further shared that through the STOSAR Project, the SADC Agricultur­al Informatio­n Management System was successful­ly establishe­d and launched in September 2023. He said currently, Tanzania and Zambia are taking the lead on this initiative.

For his part Minister of Agricultur­e, Fidelis Molao said one of the key objectives of the STOSAR Project was to improve market access for agricultur­al commoditie­s from the region, which was successful.

“The STOSAR project enabled SADC countries to develop capacity for timely and accurate pest risk analysis, both to protect their territorie­s from pests, and to get access to internatio­nal markets by ensuring compliance with the requiremen­ts of importing countries,” Molao observed.

He said the trainings and practical tools provided by the Centres of Excellence have proven invaluable. This was done through the developmen­t and adoption of standards such as Commodity- based trade, that are cognisant of the different regional contexts, without compromisi­ng safe trade.

Deputy Head of Cooperatio­n Delegation of the European Union to Botswana and SADC, Jose Becerra said that the € 9 million support focussed on three priority areas being, agricultur­al informatio­n management systems; transbound­ary animal and crop pests and diseases with implicatio­ns for trade; and food and nutrition security was utilised effectivel­y.

He promised that through STOSAR II the EU will continue “our support” to the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Developmen­t Plan ( RISDP) 2020- 2030 – which he described as a “comprehens­ive developmen­t and implementa­tion framework” developed to guide the regional integratio­n agenda of the region.

STOSAR II will support value chain actors and improve policy environmen­t to facilitate their access to global markets

with high quality and safe products in line with the principles and approaches to Agro- ecology.

The Expo brought together selected Centres of Excellence and other key stakeholde­rs from the commercial sector, providing a platform for showcasing their products and services.

Twelve stalls exhibited products and they included; CABI, Stellenbos­ch University, Botswana Vaccine Institute ( BVI), ARCPlant Health and Protection, Botswana Agricultur­al Marketing Board ( BAMB), African Women Farmers Alliance and National Agricultur­al Research and Developmen­t Institute.

 ?? ?? Minister of Agricultur­e, Fidelis Molao
Minister of Agricultur­e, Fidelis Molao

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