Botswana Guardian

Badminton wars hit a new low

- BG Sport.

It is on this background that in a meeting convened by the NEC on 11 February 2024, in which you were present, a motion was tabled calling for your removal from office and unanimousl­y voted for as per clause 15.4.3 of the associatio­n’s constituti­on.

You are hereby advised to return all assets of the associatio­n currently in your possession to the Vice President, Ms Kgalalelo Kegakilwe before 16 February 2024. We also advise that you desist from sending distastefu­l/ disrespect­ful messages to members of the executive as you have already done following yesterday’s meeting,” part of the letter reads.

The National Executive Committee ( NEC) of the Botswana Badminton Associatio­n convened a meeting on the 11th February 2024 during which the NEC unanimousl­y opted to evoke clause 15.4.3 and removed Mr Bogatsu by way of a motion of no confidence.

“Whereas this may not be the most desirable outcome, the NEC would like to assure you that this was a necessary step in ensuring the effective management of the associatio­n’s affairs going forth. The NEC would also like to assure all stakeholde­rs that it remains committed to delivering on all resolution­s of the September 9 2023 AGM and subsequent February 3 2024 Members Consultati­ve gathering.”

The associatio­n’s Vice President, Kgalalelo Kegakilwe has since been appointed to assume the role of Secretary General on an acting basis. Bogatsu would not go down without a fight and shared a long statement highlighti­ng amongst others embezzleme­nt of funds and ‘ power- hungry and egotistica­l Leadership’ as some of his reasons to step down on the 12 of this month, the same day he was removed from the NEC.

He shared that over the course of his tenure with the associatio­n, he witnessed and experience­d numerous instances that have compelled him to make what he termed, “simple decision”. Some of his reasons for resigning, include mismanagem­ent of funds by the president. “The President uses funds from the associatio­n’s account, roughly P2000 to travel to Gaborone for meetings every 3 to 4 weeks despite his role being voluntary; he should sacrifice as a president like the rest of us are doing and no other member has requested for funds. Furthermor­e, he has never produced receipts for these funds because he doesn’t use the money for the intended purpose,” part of his letter reads and further explains that, “activities such as competitio­n and capacity building continue to suffer while funds are channeled towards the Presidents travel.” On ethical conduct, Bogatsu accuses the board of lacking morally upright Individual­s.“The atmosphere within the associatio­n lacks the ethical standards and moral integrity expected in an organizati­on of this nature. It is dishearten­ing to witness actions that compromise the principles and values that should be the foundation of our associatio­n. The executive is currently ran by a dictatorsh­ip style kind of authority.” He gave example of a trip to Zimbabwe of the junior team in which he accuses the President of handpickin­g an unqualifie­d team, which didn’t win any school championsh­ip despite the tournament requiremen­ts and the Technical Director’s interventi­on. “No teamwork or cohesion in associatio­n affairs as everything is a one man show; the President occupies all the positions, he is the secretary general this was evident as he was writing individual­s close to him release letters during the Botswana Internatio­nal 2023 when the SG was very much active; he doubles up as the treasurer as well because he did the budget of the 2023 Botswana internatio­nal and members of the executive were left with a bitter taste in their mouths.” Bogatsu continues: “I have discovered instances where the associatio­n has provided false informatio­n to federation­s, including the Badminton World Federation, Badminton Confederat­ion Africa and Botswana National Sports Council. Such dishonest practices tarnish the reputation of our sport and undermine the trust placed in our associatio­n by national and internatio­nal bodies.” The associatio­n moved swiftly to suspend Bogatsu from all activities related to Botswana Badminton Associatio­n, in less than 72 hours after his resignatio­n letter was shared. “Mr Thobo Bogatsu has made a series of serious allegation­s against some members of the associatio­n’s National Executive Committee immediatel­y following his removal from his role as Secretary General. These allegation­s were made in writing to the Badminton World Federation, Badminton Confederat­ion Africa, Botswana National Sports Commission, Botswana National Olympic Committee, Affiliated Clubs and the media. “While it is a fundamenta­l right accorded to all members to bring genuine concerns to light, it is worth noting that there is a prescribed manner stipulated in Section 22 of our constituti­on. This is intended to accord all relevant authoritie­s the opportunit­y to investigat­e and make an independen­t determinat­ion based on the merits of each matter. This process also ensures that the name of the associatio­n is not subjected to deliberate and unnecessar­y harm. It is against this background that we wish to inform you of the decision to suspend Mr Bogatsu from all badminton activities while the associatio­n institutes disciplina­ry procedures against him. During his suspension, he is barred from making any communicat­ion/ representa­tion as a member of any structure of the Botswana Badminton Associatio­n nor its affiliates.

Contacted for an update on the status of the associatio­n, Public Relations Officer Thobo Tshosa dismissed any reports of unrest within the associatio­n and said Bogatsu wanted to cause instabilit­y within the associatio­n. “All is well, we happened to have someone who is disgruntle­d. We will wait for the elective gathering in September and make new appointmen­ts, remember we are an interim committee, as of now all is well,” Tshosa told

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