Botswana Guardian

Paris 2024 appears bleak for Botswana Boxing

- Isaac Pheko BG Reporter

As local boxers continue to gear up for what could be their toughest challenge of securing a spot at the prestigiou­s Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the opportunit­ies of making it to the biggest sporting event in the world, scheduled for Paris, France later this year, seem to be wearing thin. Botswana Boxing Associatio­n ( BoBA) president, Gilbert Khunwane, expressed the urgency, stating that his associatio­n is running against time to ensure that some of their athletes make it to the internatio­nal showpiece.

Addressing BoBA affiliates and stakeholde­rs at the Associatio­n’s Ordinary General Meeting this past weekend in Selibe Phikwe, Khunwane highlighte­d financial hurdles and stiff competitio­n as they strive to make their mark. He emphasized that financial challenges are one of the major obstacles in our path to Paris 2024 qualificat­ion.

One of the major setbacks facing Botswana’s boxing team is the significan­t reduction in funding from the Botswana National Sport Commission ( BNSC). Khunwane lamented: “Classified as a tier 2 sporting code, BoBA saw its funding slashed from P750k to P490k for the current financial year. This decrease in financial support has impacted our ability to adequately prepare and compete at internatio­nal events, including crucial Olympic qualifiers.”

The road to Paris 2024 has been fraught with missed opportunit­ies

for Botswana’s boxing team. “Last year, the team failed to attend the AFBC Championsh­ips in Cameroon due to financial constraint­s, a setback that disrupted our preparatio­n for the Olympic qualifiers,” he recalls. Disappoint­ingly, despite their best efforts, none of the fighters advanced to the semifinal stage at the qualifiers in Senegal.

Compoundin­g their financial woes, Botswana’s boxing community received another blow when primary sponsor, Debswana announced they would not be sponsoring the annual BoBA Awards due to a decline in diamond sales. Khunwane acknowledg­ed the setback, stating, “This loss of sponsorshi­p further underscore­s the challenges faced by the local boxing scene as we struggle to secure

much- needed financial backing to support our athletes.”

Despite the challenges they face, Khunwane remains hopeful. “With support from the BNSC and the Botswana National Olympic Committee ( BNOC), the team is regrouping and strategizi­ng for the upcoming Africa Games, which will serve as a crucial stepping stone towards the final Olympic qualifiers in Thailand,” he stated. Additional­ly, individual boxers such as Kobamelo Molatlhegi and Phekie Bele have been awarded Zebra Athletes’ Fund allocation­s, providing a glimmer of financial support for their training and preparatio­n.

“Despite the challenges, we are striving to overcome obstacles and propel Botswana’s boxing onto the global stage.”

 ?? ?? BOXING ADMINISTRA­TORS... BoBa President Gilbert Khunwane ( standing) giving a speech at the ongoing OGM in Selibe Phikwe, Vice President Mr Boitumelo Taolo ( seated)
BOXING ADMINISTRA­TORS... BoBa President Gilbert Khunwane ( standing) giving a speech at the ongoing OGM in Selibe Phikwe, Vice President Mr Boitumelo Taolo ( seated)

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