Botswana Guardian



Fantasy Flowers, one of the businesses that were born during the Covid- 19 pandemic continues to set trends when it comes to flowers. Founded in 2021, those who have been following the business from its infancy, can spot a Fantasy Flowers arrangemen­t a mile away.

It is in the way that each and every detail of the flower arrangemen­t is brought to life.

Not one to cut corners, the founder and owner of the business, Thato Nsala enjoys breathing life into an array of concepts. For Valentine’s Day, he had a number of packages which he was offering. Clients could opt for packages that include the Round Grand Box, Medium Heart box, Veuve Brut, Moet Nectar Imperial, Large Heart Box, Pretty Pink and Lilac to mention a few.

Clients were asked to pick a package that they wanted, and specify the colours they desired.

Some of the spectacula­r arrangemen­ts on offer happened to be 100 rose bouquets, 200 rose bouquets, and for those who love a pop of colour, and wanted to really show off their love, the Grand Deluxe vase was the perfect gift. The price tags varied between P3000 and P6500 and for wondering whether the local market is ready or even whether Batswana are into flowers, the answer is a big Yes. In fact, some clients went extravagan­t, one going as far as spending more than P20 000. This is testament that Fantasy Flowers is serving a niche market. These arrangemen­ts and offerings prove why Nsala has been nicknamed the ‘ Paint Master’. This gift means that he has always conceptual­ised arrangemen­ts that stand out. Interestin­gly, when Nsala started the business in the middle of the raging Covid- 19, he did not have any training on flowers. Years later, he is still best known for giving a one- of- a kind service. His service offering includes luxury gifting ranging from beautiful and unique flower bouquets, to personalis­ed flower boxes, and other gifts that clients desire. Today, clients know that when they want something that might blow them away, and is appealing to the eye, then Fantasy Flowers is their best bet. Most importantl­y, clients also get everything that is fresh.

The flowers are sourced from flower markets outside the country, and the most popular flowers that he uses happen to be roses and gyp. A good majority of the clients love red roses, and others have a keen interest in shades of pink.

Speaking with this publicatio­n, Nsala explains that each and every business needs some innovation lest it dies, or it might not have a competitiv­e edge in the market.

“I really love getting ideas online from the best world florists and try to use them in my business,” he explains.

He also notes that his clients are always on the look out for fresh and beautiful bouquets.

“One trendy and new bouquet posted on the socials always gets more attention and clients always request that we re- create such,” he explains.

So what is trending right now when it comes to flower artistry. Well that one is tricky, he says. But for him, it has to be Carnations and Chrysanthe­mums. These two, he says are both affordable and strong blooms. “Their colour always stands out. We have added these to our latest range and they always make colourful arrangemen­ts together with other flowers,” explains Nsala.

He also highlights that they are definitely taking advantage of trends for clients. And for clients who are not particular about what they desire, they always get an array of flowers to make for beautiful bouquets.

“Some clients are just particular; they know what colour of roses they want and even know how many stems they want to get. But others just want a beautiful bouquet that meets their budget,” he says.

His target market is diverse. He explains that flowers are a luxury and that they do make people happy, especially women and a fraction of men.

“I don’t really have a specific target market, my clients are from all background­s, corporate as well as internatio­nal clientele that are far from home and want to send messages of love and hope to their loved ones,” he explains.

One of the highlights to look forward to include an introducto­ry flower arrangemen­t course which will be held over the Easter holidays. Currently, he has two employees ( a graphic designer, and an Assistant who he is currently training).

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