
Love for Setswana language lands Letona La Poko into poetry


ASetswana poet from Ramotswa, Thuto Mosomane, known by his legion of followers as Letona La Poko has vowed to push his mother language through his talent.

“I am a Setswana poet. I do not think at any day I would opt to do poetry in another language apart from my beautiful mother tongue.

I often refer to my craft as poetry with a vision; that is because I do not just do poetry for the sake of doing it.

My poetry communicat­es to the heart and mind, it comes with different emotions that I, as the poet transmit to the listeners,” he boldly told Arts & Culture in an interview.

His stage name which was inspired by his abilities to create different worlds, ideas, situations and solutions with his poetry, most of the time leaves people astonished.

He is also a Catholic seminarian currently studying in Italy/Rome, where he is undergoing training to become a Roman Catholic Priest. Mosomane further explained that his poems were inspired by situations surroundin­g him.

He said the world we live in keeps introducin­g different situations, some pleasant and others unpleasant, hence he uses poetry to address issues.

“Locally, I have worked with

Chantelle Mokgatle and Maatla Kwenamore (Sekopa) both from Ramotswa. I am willing to do more collaborat­ion with poets who are interested.

Unity always wins, as it is often said in our language that, ‘moroto wa esi ga o ele’. No matter how talented a person may be, they will still need other people in working towards a common goal and our goal is to preserve and conserve our Setswana language and culture,” he said.

Recently, this talented poet collaborat­ed with Kwenamore also known as Sekopa who is equally talented on tribute that they did for the late rapper, Sasa Klaas.

Looking back, Mosomane said he discovered his poetic abilities in 2015 but he had always had a special liking for Setswana culture and language.

He pointed out that he was inspired by the legendary Moroka Moreri, who was once invited to recite a poem during a cultural day at Tlokweng CJSS where he was a student.

He explained that was a defining moment for him in regards to where his passion lies, because it awakened something special in him.

“It should be noted that Setswana poetry is a scarce skill and talent which is not possessed by everyone, hence poets should be paid for their hard work just as other artists are paid for their crafts. I have been able to release my first poetry album titled Gaabo Motho.

It is basically what the name suggests, ‘Gaabo motho go thebe phatshwa’ that we should be proud of our roots and where we come from. I received recognitio­n from notable figures.

The former Minister of Youth Sports and Culture, Thapelo Olopeng once invited me to his office to see how they could assist me, as he was impressed by my craft. Connie Ferguson also shared one of my poems and it was a comforting poem on how to face Covid-19 and the lockdown,” Mosomane revealed.

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Letona La Poko

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