
JW hosts ‘Powerful by Faith’ convention


The annual convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which is normally held in Gaborone and other venues around the world, will be presented virtually this year. Breaking from a century-old tradition in the name of health and safety, the largest convention organisati­on in the world has moved its annual in-person event to a virtual format for the second time in as many years, cancelling nearly 6,000 convention­s in 240 lands.

According to a press release from the organisati­on, the continued risk of bringing thousands of people together in cities around the world prompted the organisati­on to opt for a virtual platform for the second consecutiv­e year. However, the move has not curbed the enthusiasm for the annual event.

Congregati­ons around the world are inviting the public to join them on this historic occasion.

“Faith has helped our global brotherhoo­d to continue to thrive even during a pandemic,” said Jonnah Pongaponga, national spokespers­on of Jehovah’s Witnesses. “Our faith will continue to unite us in worship – even virtually – as millions gather in private homes around the world to enjoy a powerful and inspiring spiritual programme.”

The convention programme will help viewers appreciate how to build and strengthen their faith in God. That faith will help them overcome life’s challenges.

This year’s convention features a session that will show how women of strong faith can be imitated. One of the sessions will introduce many women, ancient and modern, whose faith can teach us valuable lessons and is worthy of imitation by all.

This part of the programme will help the viewers appreciate God’s view of women and girls, how like men, He granted them individual freedom, how they enjoyed honourable status, had access to education, and how their rights were respected and protected.

This session will also make viewers appreciate how the abuse of women and girls is a direct outcome of the sinful nature of humans, not of God’s will.

States the press release: “Due to unrelentin­g problems in the world and in their personal lives, many people have given up hope and lost faith in the ability of leaders and institutio­ns to fulfil the promise of a better life. It can be hard to put faith in something one cannot see! Yet real faith is not blind. Real faith is based on facts, on realities, on truth. When life gets hard it provides peace. It reminds humans of their purpose and it brings them real joy.”

This year’s convention programme is being presented online at Sessions will be posted incrementa­lly during July and August in instalment­s of six sessions of about three hours each.

The 2021 ‘Powerful by Faith’ Convention programme will be available in Setswana, English, Sign Language, Herero, Kalanga, Afrikaans and Shona.

 ??  ?? Members of a family watching the Convention programme online
Members of a family watching the Convention programme online

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