
What’s wrong with the UN’s CITES?

- EMMANUEL KORO* *Koro is a Johannesbu­rg-based independen­t internatio­nal award-winning environmen­tal journalist who writes extensivel­y on environmen­tal and developmen­tal issues in Africa

JOHANNESBU­RG: A U.S-based cultural organisati­on has started asking some tough questions about what’s wrong with CITES — the UN’s designated internatio­nal wildlife trade regulating agency.

Nothing at all, if judged by other United Nations agencies. It functions efficientl­y, organises meetings effectivel­y, responds to assignment­s quickly, and keeps its member states fully informed.

So if there is nothing “wrong” with CITES as an organisati­on, why does it draw such sharp and constant criticism from its wildlife-rich and elephant-overpopula­ted Southern African members as well as a number of outside observers?

The answer, according to Godfrey Harris, the Managing Director of the Los Angeles-based Ivory Education Institute, is that “the essence of the organisati­on’s activities have been captured by non-government­al forces. These forces dictate what CITES does and how it does it”.

Harris continued: “Take a vote at the recently concluded 19th CITES Conference of the Parties (CoP19). The 184-member states meeting in Panama voted to create a one-shoesize-fits-all ban on the export of live elephants. They did this at the behest of the European Union. Its

delegate, representi­ng the Union’s member states suggested making the ban “temporary” — the Union’s subtle way of continuing colonial-style European control of African elephant policy while keeping the elephant over-populated states of Southern Africa within the CITES family and the Western non-profit organisati­ons, who need elephant issues to stimulate their fundraisin­g activities, happy.”

Harris, a former U.S diplomat and management advisor to the late U.S President Lyndon Johnson, notes that from a diplomatic perspectiv­e, the concept of a “temporary” ban was a clever ploy.

“It ended the Conference floor debate relatively quickly while giving

both sides of the elephant issue space for future manoeuvrin­g. But what may prove good for elephants on the Indian subcontine­nt or in the Western regions of Africa may prove totally detrimenta­l to elephants in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and elsewhere,” he observed.

In addition, the Western interests at CoP19 forced the SADC-countries to lick more wounds by refusing to allow even highly restricted internatio­nal trade in stored ivory tusks as a way to pay for their high conservati­on costs. For the West, at both government and NGO levels, it is important to make the world think that poaching is continuing to reduce elephant herds in southern

Africa at a dangerous rate. It isn’t, but the issue enhances the NGOs’ money-raising capabiliti­es.

Moreover, one of the Big Internatio­nal Non-Government Organisati­ons (known within the CITES orbit as the BINGOs), Swiss-based Foundation Franz Weber (FFW), used its financial power to help establish, fund and influence the way African countries voted at the Panama Conference of the Parties. The FFW participat­es in the underwriti­ng of the African Elephant Coalition (AEC), a shell organisati­on that showers cash on leaders in some 30 African countries including such special operations as the Kenya Wildlife Research and Training Institute (KWRTI). The members of the AEC — in actuality a 21st century-style cover to allow a continuati­on of historic European colonial policies in Africa — vote as a unit to defeat the interests of other African countries, even those with well-establishe­d conservati­on programmes. For simplicity of control, the AEC favours one-shoe-size-fits-all decisions.

According to the Kenya Wildlife Research and Training Institute: “The African countries [voted for the “temporary” ban on elephant exports and the prohibitio­n on elephant tusk sales in order to be able to] … now enter into a dialogue to find common ground on the issue.”

They won’t — if recent experience is any guide — but the words are soothing so Western control of African wildlife policy can continue.

Harris added this thought: “As is the norm for CITES, nothing definitive will be decided on these issues. In particular, the ‘temporary’ ban on elephant exports will likely be continued for another indefinite period of time, and the proponents of the ban will gain their objective to the detriment of the opponents. ‘Temporary’, in short, becomes a permanent condition when it remains in place indefinite­ly.”

Delay, of course, is one of the favourite control mechanisms of bureaucrat­s. It helps ensure their jobs into the future and prevents decisions that may embarrass them. But delay is also the number one enemy of the SADC countries. They now need to act rapidly to regain their sovereign rights to use their wildlife in ways that benefit the plants and animals, provide socio-economic developmen­t for the people who co-exist with these plants and animals, and ensure that their habitat is conserved.

But Harris laments the fact that typical of CITES over the past 10 to 12 years, yet another vital issue is postponed for later decision.

“Issues are kicked down the road for more manipulati­on and persuasion, usually involving the spreading of more cash for trips, meetings, honoraria, educationa­l courses, research and anything else that paymasters in Geneva, Paris,

Brussels, London, New York and Washington can devise — all in the cause of holding everything in convenient abeyance pending another CITES meeting sometime down the same road,” he said.

This not only guarantees that both the BINGOs and the wildlife bureaucrac­ies have lots of “concerns” and “issues” to worry about for the next several years but allows a small group of Western nations with colonial pasts in Africa to effectivel­y dictate wildlife policy.

The Ivory Education Institute also notes that in 2019, at the previous Conference of the Parties, the same AEC-connected group of anti-trade countries decided to limit live elephant exports to in-situ conservati­on areas that are within the species’ natural range, “except in exceptiona­l cases.” The EU countries pointed out before Panama that Zimbabwe and Namibia found the exception in the 2019 ban, a big enough loophole to get a few elephants sold to China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The new ban is designed to close that loophole — still temporary, mind you, but “wink-wink”, everyone associated with the power structure of CITES knows how “temporary” works in the real world.

Why all this verbal hocus-pocus? Because elephants are a unique species given their size, their group dynamics and the fascinatio­n humans have with what they can do with their trunks. Each provides endless interest for those who are far, far away watching these animals on YouTube videos and Discovery Channel programmes from the comfort of their living rooms in the Western countries.

They can be amazed by everything these animals do but never have to deal with them and their destructiv­e nature or their importance to the rural Africans who regard elephants as an important source of protein, conservati­on revenue, and income for socioecono­mic developmen­t.

“Never a group to sublimate its opinions to others, the FFW and the AEC have stated that they are ‘(c)onvinced that exports of elephants to zoos on the other side of the world have absolutely no positive impact on the protection of the species,’” said Harris.

“But, sadly, their informatio­n is as faulty as their geography.”

He continued: “Since when did the UAE move ‘to the other side of the world’? Our atlases show that the country is just across the Arabian peninsula to the east of the African continent. How does money paid to acquire an elephant for display in China not have a ‘positive impact on the protection of the species’?

“The FFW’s economists seem as ignorant as their geographer­s.

“And finally, the FFW said it ‘welcomed and supported this decision’ of CITES. No surprise there, but it would have been nice if the FFW had been honest enough to say how much it cost them to get the anti-trade decision they wanted!”

These anti-use decisions ironically keep the poachers and illegal ivory and rhino horn trade syndicates in business. By implicatio­n, these BINGOs and their captive countries are worse than poachers. They make the CITES Secretaria­t, which allows them to continue having their way in its decision-making framework, look equally wrong.

 ?? PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO ?? Contested: Elephants dominate debate at each global meeting of CITES
PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO Contested: Elephants dominate debate at each global meeting of CITES

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