The Midweek Sun



The full moon in Pisces on the 2nd of September is doing its part where it comes to illuminati­ng the blind spots as to where the collective is still living in any sort of illusions concerning what and who can be trusted for the long haul as a number of situations continue to unravel before our eyes. There is indication of a need for a new strategy, actual developmen­t of a new plan when it comes to what makes us feel good about where we are right now, whether our current living conditions are suitable for where we want to go, and if we are truly doing what we love with who love. There is a call to review, analyse and take action where necessary to get to a place of stability as we move in to a month that speaks of completion­s and finalities of some sort. We all know the saying ‘let go to make room for the new’; how many times have we had to do it? Somehow, no matter how many times we go through the process of release it can be very difficult to come to terms with leaving behind some of the familiar connection­s and environmen­ts we had come accustomed to even with the promise of something or someone more suited for e who are coming as compensati­on.

Another saying comes to mind as there will be some people who would rather stick to the ‘devil they know then the one they don’t know’, but sometimes it’s not a new devil that comes, more the actual representa­tion of what you asked for if you actually did the work.

We still have time to put in the work although our energy may be hindered by the Mars retrograde transit occurring on the 9th of September( till the 13th of November), which is so fitting with the 99 energy it gives off.

The Pisces full moon and this Mars retrograde are working together to helps us hone in our skills, and do some mastering and fine tuning before Jupiter and Saturn start moving forward so that we can move forward with less baggage, and actually reap rewards that can help us moving forward. Although Mars retrograde will cut our passion, drive and energy for action, it will teach us to be more strategic and apply ourselves with more agility, using what we have sparingly to get things done at the end of the day.

This transit which has been in shadow period(before and after retrograde begins) since end of July, has already been affecting us indirectly with its stop start motion affecting in our ability to make movements in full confidence, and sparking frustratio­ns within us and around us.

This article is continued on The Spiritual Phoenix social media platforms if you would like to know more on this and to book an affordable personal reading.

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