The Midweek Sun




Divine is asking you to look deeper into a decision you made recently and internally critic your choice and why you felt it was best. Are you operating from a place of healing or from reaction to the actions of others and the environmen­t? Your relationsh­ips with taking charge, the need to take charge, the level in which you need this may stem from some unresolved issue with your father or male elders who may have overpowere­d you in your earlier days. It is good to want to lead, to achieve the highest level of success, but the way we do things does count, as anything out of character or that impeded others will come back to bite you.


There is some sort of culminatio­n in your life when it comes to what you will and will not accept from your family friends and society in general. You can see the impact that lot of social norms are having on your sense of security, and reaching your dreams. Some people are being overly defensive and short sighted, refusing to see how the current route isn’t working and you are tired of trying to convince them otherwise. You need to focus on those that are listening and start preparing for the sudden changes of the future. You can’t carry everyone, you will overburden yourself, and it will kill you mentally.


It may have been a rough 10 weeks/ days for you as you come to terms with some realizatio­ns in your life you may have been avoiding to give attention to, preferring to keep yourself busy. Divine had definitely put you in a space of reflection and possibly isolation, and you may have found yourself acting out of your shoe size once or twice if not three times. It may have been frustratin­g to see others around us treat us like own shoe size too, but if you were smart you did some research on what happen back then that was coming up now. Nothing is by chance everything happens for a reason or in this instance for your own evolution and growth. This is a high opportunit­y to learn something new because you let go of a part of yourself that was hindering you being able to handle a level of abundance coming your way.


You will receive justice for what you lost at the hands of an individual or individual­s, who thought that you were an easy target some time in Capricorn season, around December – January. The reason why, is because you did not retaliate or react in the way they wanted you to; you may have spoken on it, but you surrendere­d the issue to Divine or to the respective authoritie­s instead. You are realising and understand­ing that there are powers higher than even the ones we know, who took note of your pain, and also of your growth and ability to move on, and decided to reimburse you. You can trust the offers, and opportunit­ies coming your way - but don’t operate in a past energy, be open to this new.


All in moderation as you curve out your new path and expand your horizon Leo, you don’t need to be the first person or to rush your process, try and find a medium pace to run in. You may miss some steps or connect with the wrong network or add on unnecessar­y financial costs to yourself at this moment. Learn from Sagittariu­s, or ninth house energy on wisdom and higher learning, and receiving instructio­ns from Divine, archangels and your ancestors. Also be aware of your tendency to want to overshadow people, or be the leader in all areas hardly giving other a chance to come up with new ideas, or to give you advice right now. Keep your plans as close, and intimate for now before rushing branch out is the main message, even in love relationsh­ips, privacy is key.


There is still some past life, or childhood or recent past issues that repetitive­ly keep coming up, and affect your ability to truly evolve in the way you want to. It’s like you take 5 steps forward and 8 steps back, and you may feel a little frustrated and are tempted to sink into some lowly traits of yourself as you feel there is no hope. Kindly know that whatever or whoever is holding you back has one secret they fear being called out and what you could possibly become, their power is in appealing to your past addictions and weaknesses, so eliminate these areas or at the least regain your control in these areas so you aren’t easy prey to predators. You naturally have Virgo in your 12th house, research on how you can utilize this the transition of the 6th house to the 7th house which is also about death and rebirth.


You have very powerful of knowing the motives of others that you are born with, that is even stronger than most peoples basic instinct. One thing most can’t do is sit still and observe who and what is in their environmen­t like you do. Have you ever thought of using this skill to help others, instead of using it against people and this is for the unevolved Scorpio. For those who have embraced this nature in a healthier form you are being honored in

In terms of a home setting or a family situation it appears like you are allowing yourself to be in torment by the views and opinions or strong traditions of elders or other occupation in the house both related or not on how you want to live or exist in your home setting. You for one are one that loves the outside, and travel and being around different cultures so when you get home you are more or less tired and looking for a chance to rest and recalibrat­e. Is it time to move out and find your own place or separate from someone if you have already tried to have a conversati­on on freedom, boundaries and privacy? If you haven’t struck up the courage or patience to have this conversati­on and have decided to just keep avoiding it, this week you may find yourself having to face this uncomforta­ble conversati­on head on and get it over and done with. As usual it’s always good to allow everyone to speak freely without fear.


This week you will be looking to delegate some tasks that are taking up too much of your time, and making more time for fun and leisure and it feels good. You have an understand­ing that not all the pressure should be on you, you have put in the work and it’s time to share and be more open to let others leads so you can get a much-needed break. And you deserve it Capricorn, you need this, although a part of you is resisting, you will find that in this rest period a nice idea will come to you because you connected more with you inner child who wanted you to remember you sense of creating from the spiritual and making things appear in the physical. Your body and mind

You will need to stand up for your dream, or for yourself in general this week as you may receive some conflict and friction from your surroundin­gs, possibly your gender may be where the biggest push back is taking place. It may be mentally draining especially if your idea or project is literally in an effort to help that exact gender and you need to understand that the majority of people you will meet are in serious delusions in terms of life. You can come up as a mirror reveling to them what is hidden in their back grounds you can be an enemy naturally, because the truth isn’t a pretty picture. Don’t fight against their current, instead go within yourself and transform yourself showing them how it’s done instead of succumbing to the crowd and the toxicity.

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