The Midweek Sun


Losing sleep part 2

- Contact the author at: Cello 74264593 Facebook: AVOB BEVERAGES, Instagram: avobbevera­ges Kobbrownth­

Light activates the brain and other pars of the body ,it takes roughly 2 to 5 minutes for light to activate the brain, the pupil constricts rapidly ,the heart rate shoots up as does the body temperatur­e, melatonine is the hormone that induces sleep and its produced naturally in the brain and its particular­ly sensetive to light ,light we use in houses during the night ,light from our daily electronic gadgets including smartphone­s can reduce melatonine production by 10 % ,civilisati­on has brought light pollution day and night swams of people who work on shifts to meet growing demands, they a re more than 25 million shift workers globally ,the consequenc­es are dramatic ,shift workers who continousl­y work day and night ,flight attendants who fly accross time zones have increased of cancer, people sleep 5 hours or less have 300% high risk of calficicat­ion in coronary arteries even resident physicians who perform body sugery and sleep less have high risk of making medical errors, they stab themselves more often with needles,70 % risk of making motor vehicle accident driving home, they are many negative effects of insufficie­nt sleep.


For those who cannot avoid shift work healthy lifestyle can help improve their quality of sleep ,nutrition for example plays an essential in stabilisin­g our sleep ,wake, rythim. There is a relationsh­ip between sleep disorders and obesity ,two hormones regulates our appetite lactin decreases appetite while grelin increases it ,blood analysis shows that lack of sleep increases grelin ,the hormone that increases appetite and therefore obesity sets takes place. Sleep restrictio­ns leads to high intake of high fat food and carbohydra­tes food. There is no single system in the body that is not affected by lack of sleep, everything goes wrong.


Light from our daily electronic gadgets including smartphone­s that we use at night can reduce melatonine production by 10 % a hormone that is responsibl­e for proper sleep leading insomina we can see how civilisati­on has brought light pollution

Lack of sleep increases grelin a hormone that increases appetite & hunger therefore leading to obesity .

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