The Midweek Sun



When I listen to the periodic covid-19 updates by the covid-19 Team, I usually pray that one day I could have an opportunit­y to add-on to share with the Nation who may not be reading the Yoga Corner articles. This week’s title is meant to remind us that there are some very basic gifts that we have, which because they are always there, we may overlook or underrate their significan­ce in our lives. Breath is a special gift, not just because it keeps us alive, but because once we learn how to use it properly, it is so packed with amazing goodies…… and the best part is, IT WILL NEVER GO OUT OF FASHION, for as long as you’re alive. The day you lose it, that’s it, the end. So why not optimize on it’s uses? Why not get the best out of life from what you already have? We’ve been promoting the benefits of breathing techniques, yoga and meditation before covid- 19, during covid-19, and now for those who have had the misfortune of catching the virus, this power pack of breathing techniques, yoga and meditation can help in a big way to reduce the impact post-covid, among the many benefits. The impact can be health related, financiall­y related, mental and general well-being. Surely there’s life after covid19. This power pack of breathing techniques, yoga and meditation have some instant benefits depending on the individual, there’s also some benefits that require patience and trust. You all know the power of the mind, that whatever you put your strong intention on, and you do your part, Nature will definitely respond. It doesn’t matter what the issue at hand would be, and yoga strengthen­s this inner power that we’ve been gifted with. How does that happen? Yoga helps you get rid of all the distractio­ns, all the stresses that stand in the way of you tapping into the humongous WELL of inner peace, calm, good health, love, compassion, etc. Once that happens you become so centered, nothing can shake you. May is a special month for Art of Living, with a campaign that promotes peace in Africa. Programs are lined up for “I Meditate Africa” and this year targets the youth. You can find out more on www. imeditatea­ Register for a breath & meditation workshop on for the experience. More next week……….

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