The Midweek Sun

Schools are not ready to open - BTU


Botswana Teachers Union (BTU) Vice President (Primary) Bakang Bagwasi has lashed at the Ministry of Basic Education (MoBE) for ‘sleeping on the job.’

This follows a public announceme­nt by the ministry last week that it is all systems go as far as reopening of public schools is concerned.

It was back to business for completing classes last week, with the second phase of school reopening set for this week. The last phase, which includes pre-primary learners and learners with special education needs, opens next week. The ministry believes that opening schools for Second Term in a phased manner will ensure the safe return of learners and teachers. “They have now made opening schools in a phased manner some kind of a luxury or fashion they are not using it as a gauging tool. “I am disappoint­ed because the ministry is opening schools without a proper readiness report yet they told the nation that all is in place,” Bagwasi said. Bagwasi is part of the ministry’s inspection and Covid-19 response team. He said they are disappoint­ed that students are going back to school yet inspection for readiness is still ongoing.

“We have realised that some toilets in schools are not functionin­g, there are no sanitisers and soap for hand washing.

“There is also noncomplia­nce in schools, some School Heads keep teachers and students in school all day despite the newly-introduced shift system,” Bagwasi said. He is worried that if the ministry is not firm, things might spiral out of control.

“Schools carry many numbers yet Covid-19 is still very much out there.

A new variant was reported in South Africa recently, if only they could listen to us and close schools then accelerate the procuremen­t of all that is necessary then go on to reopen,” he said.

Meanwhile, in a recent interview with the Minister of Basic Education Fidelis Molao regarding school re-opening and the public fears, the minister said schools can only close if there are glaring circumstan­ces that indicate danger. Molao said they are aware that some schools are not 100 percent compliant with the Covid-19 expectatio­ns because of various reasons. However, the intention is to allow learning to continue without endangerin­g lives.

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