The Midweek Sun

How is Vee different from SKI and Mosau?


Batswana kana le bone ba ka go palela! Just recently we were joking about President Masisi calling for a reset of Batswana’s mindset, almost being dismissive of his call when he was actually right. Batswana badly need a mindset reset. We are too spoilt a nation we want to be dependents forever. We are too jealous of the successes of other Batswana we would rather support businesses of people we do not know. We are too quick to judge and dismiss those who do good for others. We just never want to acknowledg­e the good our own do, but we would rather wait to pour scorn and invalidate their efforts. Gompieno jaana people are all over the place criticizin­g Vee Mampeezy for sharing pictures and videos of the people he has been helping with food hampers, business starter packs and even the car wash he jointly donated to Dramaboi.

They quote Matthew Chapter 6 which reads: Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in Heaven. When you give to someone in need, don’t do it to blow your own trumpet.” They are asking Vee to take heed of this Bible verse. The question is: what are they doing bone to help those in need? Besides, didn’t we learn from President Khama with his dikobo and diphaphath­a that those he gives are paraded on television? Don’t we see that with President Masisi ka diphoko? What about President Boko ka diphete and vendor bicycles? Did you say the same to them? Hey, tswaang fela mo go Vee, le lona le abele ba ba tlhokang.

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