The Midweek Sun



And so after we have been denied visits to our grannies, mommies, concubines, ploughing fields and cattlepost­s in rural Botswana on account of some marauding corona virus, we now have to contend with an even more deadly form of corona which travelled across the Indian ocean to come infect and affect us while just chilled here in town?

What witchcraft is this? Imagine a Gaboroneba­sed man who had given up on going to see his wife and children in Palapye to obey government imposed rules that prohibit inter-zonal visits having to now fight for his life at Sir Ketumile Masire Hospital because someone came all the way from India carrying the virus that infected him. How sad. We hear magatwe a gore this is what has happened, and now the family is fuming back home, wondering why the heck their husband and father had to abide by the rules only for the state to allow other freeroamin­g people to come and infect him with an even deadlier variant. Batswana have for some time complained about the inconsiste­ncies and even hypocricie­s of dealing with Covid in this country and this one now comes to add to this wonder. Our leaders do not want us to travel within our country for fear of corona, yet they allow people from a red zone to enter our country willy-nilly? Heelang, with numbers already going to hundred of local cases, the Indian variant is going to kill Batswana if the situation is going to be allowed to go unabated.

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