The Midweek Sun


- Hamburger delight!

The good part about making your own burger is that you get to decide on what kind of fillings you want for your burger– from the choice of meat, vegetables and sauces.

Burgers are the ultimate ‘cheat treat.’ Imagine a fresh burger in your hands, and you bite into and feel your taste buds tantalised and all those sauces run down your lips and chin, and you lick them delightful­ly, as you close your eyes for a second and feel a sensory high as you slowly chew each morsel. Yummy!

Burgers are a good option when you don’t feel like cooking whole meals but want to prepare something that is delicious and filling. The good part about making your own burger is that you get to decide on what kind of fillings you want for your burger– from the choice of meat, vegetables and sauces.

The below recipe is for a traditiona­l hamburger, and you can substitute the listed ingredient­s with those of your choice.

This recipe serves two people.

You will need:

*Burger rolls (the fresher the better!) *Beef (You can buy frozen patties, make your own with mince or cook steak portions)

*Gherkins, cucumber or lettuce *Sliced tomatoes *Cheese slices


*Sliced red onions *Sliced cabbage and carrots *Mayonnaise or butter mayo Method

*Fry the onions lightly in olive oil until lightly browned.

Now it is time to stack!

*Take your bun bottom and lather it with butter. Place the cabbage and carrot mix on the roll. Next, place cheese. Then the tomato. Then cheese again. Then squat a bit of sauce. Then place your meat, and finally, place the gherkins or cucumber. Then squat a generous amount of sauce and place the top roll. It looks good, doesn’t it? Finally… Devour!

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