The Midweek Sun



To date nobody knows the real identity of the ghost that is France Museveni. Even the DCEC and BPS have come out to say they were close to revealing who this ghost is. Unity said it’s a group of people; there was a time the DIS was after him when he was writing in the corner of unions, opposition and against the ruling elite; now the unions and the opposition say it is the DIS. Some have even said it was Dan operating as a double agent to benefit financiall­y from warring camps. Everyday the facebook ghost is given some form of identity but no one is coming out for sure to say yes, it is him or her or whatever. In the meantime, the enigmatic character that has come to be known as M7 is busy causing a rift between individual­s and organisati­ons. The latest revolves around ghost’s post on some union and its leader being under investigat­ion and even going on to say that more would be revealed about the corruption at the union. Fair enough, the ghost never mentioned any union by name, but now there is an ongoing conversati­on on social media about BOFEPUSU’s recent angry attack on Museveni, with people questionin­g why the union’s leader came out guns blazing and calling M7 the DIS when no one had really singled out any union or its leader as corrupt. Now members of the union are smelling a rat, and there is even growing anger by workers towards other union leaders for what they call go ja madi a babereki. While they fight, M7 the ghost has moved on to cause another rift elsewhere, including lying about Edgar and his bosses. DIS should really act fast – M7 is a threat to national security. Very soon everybody will be fighting everybody!

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