The Midweek Sun



While occasional heartburn is nothing to worry about, when it becomes common, Unoda Hall, a nutritioni­st, says it needs to be dealt with. “Someone who suffers from constant heartburn may battle with belching, burning discomfort, and bloating every time they have a meal,” she says.

Hall explains that the muscular tube that the food uses as a path way into the stomach (oesophagea­l sphincter), closes as soon the food gets into the stomach to stop it from coming back up the oesophagus.

“This protects the oesophagus from the brunt of the stomach acid. In instances where this sphincter relaxes, food finds its way up, hence the acid reflux,” she says. As such, the kind of food we eat is key in preventing or reducing heartburn signs.

Some of these include foods, she says are rich in spices, salt, or fat such as processed foods ,fast food and pepper. Others are chocolate, and peppermint and one should take these in moderation because eliminatio­n may not be that easy.

“Avoid eating at certain times such as in the evening just before your bedtime to keep food from sitting in your stomach.

This is because as you lie down, the food will come up your oesophagus. Also, take small and frequent rather than heavy meals,” she advises. She adds that one can instead eat the foods that alleviate acid reflux and these include:

 ?? ?? acid reflux diet
acid reflux diet

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