The Midweek Sun

August 31 Zodiac


Being a Virgo born on August 31st, you are well known for your trustworth­iness, discipline and caring nature. You have a strong understand­ing people and use this ability to identify the best way to help others. Likewise, you find little reason to manipulate, preferring to be honest and trustworth­y over all else. In matters of work, you meet tasks with a strong attention to detail and dedication. These qualities make you a valued friend and employee.

August 31 Career

While choosing a career is one of the greatest challenges in life, your natural social skills and generosity make a wide range of careers available for you to pursue. Your attention to detail may be well-suited for business, science or finance. Similarly, your social skills would be well-paired in a career in sales or education. If you are more interested in creative expression, the entertainm­ent world may be more appealing to you. The successful careers of comedian Chris Tucker and actor Richard Gere, who were also born on August 31st, should serve as motivation.

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