The Midweek Sun



They are different types of systems in the body for example digestive system,nervous system,circulator­y system etc The endocannab­inoid system is one of the systems in the body just like the above basic body systems we learn at school. The endocannab­inoid system helps regulate our immune system, nervous system, digestion, mood, and other critical biological processes.The endocannab­inoid system uses cannabinoi­ds substances like the cannabinoi­ds nutrients found naturally in matekoane. Cannabinoi­ds substances are naturally occurring bioactive compounds in our body and they stimulate or give energy to the endocannab­inoid system. Sadly, commercial CBD processing often reduces the chain of cannabinoi­ds, impacting therapeuti­c potential hence using organic matekoane is ideal.In countries which Matekoane is legal commerical process is regulated by law to reduce the amount of CBD that consumers take in.

CBD Isolate: This is CBD in crystallin­e or powder form, similar to sugar in its appearance as seen matekoane licensed dispensari­es in south Africa.The method used to extract CBD isolate removes other cannabinoi­ds leaving 99% refined CBD. and other plant compounds essential to the endocannab­inoid system.

Broad Spectrum CBD: This is CBD with a range of naturally occurring cannabinoi­ds.THC is naturally low in unheated matekoane, which is why unheated matekoane is not psychoacti­ve (it won’t get you high). Full Spectrum CBD: This is organic ,unprocesse­d matekoane it contains the complete family of cannabinoi­ds, terpenes, flavonoids, and other natural compounds. This makes full-spectrum CBD nutritiona­lly and therapeuti­cally superior thanks to the entourage effect. The entourage effect enhances the therapeuti­c value of CBD by including every element of the plant. This makes it more effective than simply taking an isolated cannabinoi­d by itself.

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