The Midweek Sun

Whatever you do, do not lose hope!


In almost all cases of suicide that I have come across in the media, oftentimes authoritie­s including Police, community and religious leaders agree on one thing, that when someone feels pressured by issues of life, they ought to look out for help. This piece of advice though good and sincere, has not helped us a great deal. When most people are pushed into that dark corner in their lives where they see no way out, a simple utterance of such words will not do much to help them, let along cause them to change their minds if they want to take their own lives. There are times of trouble in life, and for the human race, it is almost inevitable that one will not at some point in their live go through such difficult times. If it has not happened to you, do not worry, it will, eventually. This is just the reality of life. What is most critical is how you handle the problem, be it financial, social, ill health, relationsh­ips, grief, betrayal, and all others. No situation should engulf you to a point where there is no hope. Human nature is strong enough to endure whatever life throws. Believe me, you are stronger than you think. It is a cliché but true. Holding onto hope, of course may mean different things to all of us. But one thing is certain, hope is a major protective shield that helps us tackle potential dangerous or intrusive thoughts. But then again, hope is a very personal thing. It is important for you to reflect on your own problem, and avoid comparing your situation with other people’s, so that you apply your own desire for something to happen, a wish for things to change for the better, or aspiration­s and a dream for something new in relation to your own unique situation. Hope is like medicine. It reduces feelings of helplessne­ss, increases happiness, reduces stress, and improves quality of life. It does not matter how many times you feel swamped and overwhelme­d, the key is in drawing inner strength from hope. At least only enough for you to face another day, and another, until you realise that after all, what does not kill you makes you strong. Hopelessne­ss is a dangerous state to be in because it brings a feeling that things will not and cannot change and creates a sense that there is no solution to a problem. While hopelessne­ss might not be sole reason for suicides, it is a major contributo­r to the phenomenon. When hope says ‘I need help with this,’ hopelessne­ss says ‘I can’t cope, I don’t see a way out.’ When hope says ‘This is just a setback, I can adjust and bounce back,’ hopelessne­ss on the other hand says ‘I’m so upset with everything, my life is meaningles­s.’There may be times that even the very hope you are holding onto is challenged, do not be hard on yourself, that hope is real and can save you.

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