The Midweek Sun

Supply bottleneck­s hike inflation


Effects of high inflation could be cushioned by government policies through addressing supply bottleneck­s which currently contribute to high prices on commoditie­s.

Inflation decreased from 14.6 percent in August 2022 to 13.8 percent in September. According to Kitso Mokhurutsh­e, an Economist at E-Consult, addressing supply side bottleneck­s is one of the best solutions to address inflation. “By having enough supply of goods, inflation will be lower as there would be enough supply.” He explained government should not take drastic decisions of restrictin­g imports of goods without considerin­g the local production capacity as this affects Batswana badly with prices going up. “Currently, neighbouri­ng countries have been complainin­g about vegetable import ban and there is a risk of retaliatio­n.”

Government has recently instituted import bans on certain goods including vegetables and school uniform with an objective to develop local production capacity. Recently, the Bank of Botswana Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) stated that inflation will remain above the objective range into the medium term but might go down from the fourth quarter of 2022 and fall within the objective range from the third quarter of 2024. “The projected decrease in inflation in the medium term is due to the dissipatin­g impact of the earlier increases in administer­ed prices, subdued domestic demand, current monetary policy posture, expected decrease in trading partner- countries’ inflation and internatio­nal commodity prices.” The MPC indicated that growth-enhancing economic transforma­tion reforms and supportive macroecono­mic policies are currently being implemente­d which include affordable credit, improvemen­ts in water and electricit­y supply, reforms to further improve the business. “Against this background, enhanced productivi­ty, innovation, increased production and the resultant competitiv­eness of domestic firms against imports and in internatio­nal markets could contribute to lower domestic inflation.”

 ?? ?? Vegetables

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