The Midweek Sun

November 9 Zodiac


Being a Scorpio born in November, your friends and family know you for a strong will and a stronger nurturing nature. You apply dedication to all aspects of your life, especially when you feel a challenge is worthwhile. Likewise, you will also take determinat­ion into helping others, which explains why there are many times when you sacrifice your own needs for those of others. These qualities make you a valued friend and highly sought after companion.

November 9 Career

Your natural understand­ing and will power combine to create several lucrative career opportunit­ies. A benevolent leader, you may do well in administra­tion, management of business. Your command of language and determinat­ion may lead you to a career in writing, lecturing or education. If you find a cause to support, you may find politics rewarding. Similarly, your creative inclinatio­ns may lead you to a path of self-expression or music, which was the path of Duane Allman, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

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