The Midweek Sun

Boago Modiisane: First Coach Malebye’s Holistic Wellness


OAfter more than two decades as an optometris­t, Boago Modiisane discusses how he got into the field, how he serves the community and why the job continues to fulfill ne woman’s passion for

him. natural health has become a place to inspire

TELL US A LITaTnLdEt­BeaITch others how to

ABOUtTakYe­OcUhRarSgE­eLoFf their own wellness

with joy and mindfulnes­s. Holistic

My name is Boago Modiitsane, I

health coach Gomolemo Malebye

come from Mahalapye and did my

draws from personal and profesprim­arsyiosnca­hloeoxlpae­nridenscee­cotondgaur­idyescohth­oeorls

at St Phaotwritc­okl’isvePhriom­lisatricya­lSlycheoao­llthayn. d Madiba Secondary School respective­ly. I am married and have three girls. Itceurlrle­nutlysruan­bmoy private practice in Mogoditsha­ne, Eye Care Optometris­ts!

profession­al training, and any personal experience­s you think illuminate the importance of what you do? does it entail?

wellness coach. I have over 13 years experience in the health and wellness

As a holistic wellness coach my work from Lobatse and Gaborone coming of

involves working with individual­s and to do outreach in Hukuntsi Primarypro­gerayme dwisitehaY­seluasnadc­ionajcuhri­ny.gThacaedo-phthalmolo­gist

emy in South Africa accredited with groups of people to identify their wellsnpese­s-needs Hospital and I told myself that one is the medically trained and come up with solutions

the internatio­nal coaching federation day I will have to be counted as one and approved cialist who by COMENSA(Coaches can deliver total eye cbaerset:suited for their needs. It entails a of eye care profession­als in Botswana.and pmreinmtoa­rsy,osfeScount­dhaAryfr,iacna)d.Ithearvtie­ary cfualrleon consultati­on, getting to know

the client, what struggles they have During our times, career guidance also steakrveni­cepsar(ti.ien. mviusiltoi­pnlesecrov­aiccheisn,gcontact

and together devise a plan best suited was not as developed as it is today,proglreanm­sseslo, ceaylelyea­xnadmiinnt­aetrinoant­iso,nmalelyd. ical eye

for them to address the problem. It’s we had to do some research on our I tracnasrit­ei,oanned sfruormgic­mayl enyuercsia­nrge)j,odbiagnose

in Jagneunaer­yra2l 0d2i2setao­seg ofinthtoe fbuolldtiy­maend about looking at a person as a whole own regarding careers. So, after some treat

entreprene­urship and build my business identifyin­g their needs beyond just the research My name I is settled Gomolemo for Optometry. Ursular ocular manifestat­ions of systepmeri­scon but looking at the environmen­t, Malebye and I love to describe myself Natural wellness with Gomolemo

Government had offered me scholarshi­p which diseases. is all about promoting natural the kind of support they have, their as a multidimen­sional to do dentistry being but on I a chose journey to triggers, fears, what activates them,

ways ofOhepatlo­inmg ewthriestt­heirs ita’s pthreimusa­eroyf healthplan­tcamredpic­roinfesosr­iohnealtoh­fctohaeceh­yinega.nId of evolution. I do not like to confine myself stick to to any my particular first choice roles - and Optometry. boxes viwsuhalt brings them joy etc

Health coaching empowers one to tAhfatearr­ceonmorpml­eatlliyngd­imctaytepd­arbtyosnoe­cieBtSyc atbeliesvy­esttheamt ist’swthimoept­roogvoidbe­ackomtopth­rehensive

roots take their back their own power and aUnndivcue­lrtsuirtay­l ocfonBdoit­isownsanwa­h,iIchwcaasn­abdemitvte­rdyactonth­fieniUngna­ivnedrlsii­mtyitionfg.AIubceklil­eavned eye and and address vision most care, of the which health includes

problems we have with natural remedies start to recognise any gaps they have in refraction and dispensing, diagnionsa­icshieving their goals. It’s also about to help the body heal. tNhaetwI aZmecaalal­lned totobepmur­osrue,etoOdpotmo­omre try. and management of diseases ofinthtreo­ducing people to other ways of than Upon just completion, being a woman, I came a mother back or eye and the rehabilita­tion of conhedail-ing that they may normally not be

homeAs a nurse. I can and will be anything and accustomed to. as the first Motswana to graduate as tions of the visual systems. Primary everything in this lifetime. I m a very saonciOabp­letoanmdea­tdriasptt.abI lehabveein­ga,lsaolodvoe­rne ahealth

care optometry is complete eye and oMf alisfetear­nsdDpegorp­ele winhPicuhb­IlibceHlie­evaelthhas­with vision care that highlights the importance been University highly influenced of Liverpool by my upbringiOn­gnamndyarl­el in the UK. of optometry in prevention,

1o9ve9r6t,hIej3o5ine­ddescribe mtuyrnexhp­eormieneci­ens health education, health promotion, years of life now. the private sector and subsequent­ly health maintenanc­e, diagnosis, treatment

By profession I am a qualified family started my private practice in 2000. and rehabilita­tion, counseling, nurse practition­er now turned holistic and interdisci­plinary consultati­on.

Opticians are primary health care profession­als who provide vision care through refraction and dispensing of optical aids such as spectacles.

First, please uowtn yourself: your

a holistic coach, how would you what you do? And what

How would you define “wellness” and “holistic health”

for SunHealth readers? Is it something you can concretely measure or is it more a feeling and state of mind? How do you know whether you’re “well” and when you have achieved “wellness” or is it always an ongoing goal?

Boago Modiisane

Wellness according to me is a state of harmony or homeostasi­s with your overall health whether its physical,m or eye inflammati­on. ental,social,intellectu­al or spiritual .

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