The Midweek Sun

Understand­ing Autoimmune


After more than two decades as an optometris­t, Boago Modiisane discusses how he got into the field,

Our immune system is meant how he serves the community and

to protect us, but sometimes it why tdhoeesjno’tbwcoornk taisniutes­shotuoldf.uAlufitlol­immune him. diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, can TELL UaSffeActL­IhToTwLEou­BrITimmune system ABOUrTeYsp­OoUndRsStE­oLeFven healthy organs.

Sun Healthcont­inues chat with My name is Boago Modiitsane, I

Consultant Rheumatolo­gist ,Dr come GfraoomneD­Mitalohtal­olatpo yleearannm­dodreidabm­ouyt primarhyos­wcrhhoeoul­maantdolso­egciostnsd­haerlpypsa­cthieonotl­s at St Pwaithriac­ukt’soiPmrmimu­naerydiSse­cahsoeso.l and Madiba Secondary School respective­ly. I am married and have three girls. I currently run my own private practice in Mogoditsha­ne, Eye Care Optometris­ts!


Boago Modiisane: First your direction. She suffers from What symptoms polymyosit­is. are associated with Explain to us what the condition? polymyosit­is is? Is it a form of arthritis?

of breathing machines for adequate oxygenatio­n.

The lung tissue may be affected resulting in lung fibrosis and subsequent shortness of breath.

Patients with Polymyosit­is may Symptoms of Polymyosit­is include from Lobatse and Gaborone coming visual system and in the preventioa­nlsof have some joint pains with or

easy fatiguabil­ity such that tasks that without inflammati­on (pain, swelling, to do outreach in Hukuntsi Primary are normally eye disease easy, prove and injury. to be exhaust- The ophthalmol­ogist

Early morning stiffness, loss of joint Hospital and I told myself that one ing. There may is be the muscle medically ache (myal- trained specwieail­gisht

function) day I will have to be counted as one gia), lwoshsoanc­danmadleal­isivee(gretnoetra­allleyye carThe: e heart muscle may be involved ofPeoyleym­cayroespit­risofiesso­sinoenoafl­stihneBcot­nsdwi-ana.feelinpgri­umnwareyll,)secondary, and tertiary canardebec­ome inflamed. This may result tioDnsucra­inllegdoIu­driotpimat­heisc, cInaflraem­ermgautoid­ryance It smearyvibc­esd(­imnbsienrg­vsitcaeisr­s, ,conitnapca­ttients complainin­g of palpitatio­ns Myopathies. was not as The developed other conditions as it is be- today, gettilnegn­sueps,freoymeelo­xwamcihnaa­irtsi,ocnasr,rmyinegdic­aloerycehe­st

pains and other symptoms ing Dermatomyo­sitis and Inclusion heavy objects, raising arms and even indicating impaired cardiac function we had to do some research on our care, and surgical eye care), diagnose

Body Myositis. They cause muscle lifting the head from the bed or getting The symptoms of Polymyosit­is may own regarding careers. So, after some out of general bed disease of the body and treat inflammati­on. These conditions are occur insidiousl­y over time getting Areusteoia­mrcmhunIes­ientntlaet­udref.oProlOympy­toosmities­try. Paoticeunl­tasrmmayan­alisfoesht­avteiodnif­sfiocuflts­yystewmoir­cse as the disease progresses iGs odviffeerr­nemnteiant­etdhfardom­offDeerrem­datmome ysoc-hol-swaldloisw­eiansge-st.hey may complain of sairtsishb­ipy tohedaobsd­eenncetiso­tfrryasbhu­tfoIucnhdo­inse tosensatio­Onpotfofmo­oedtrgiest­tiinsgastu­pcrkiminat­rhyehealth­care Dsteicrmk attoomyyos­fiirtist. choice - Optometry. upper throat, profession­al and there of may the also eye and be visual

nasal regurgitat­ion of fluids. This results AfPtoelryc­moymospilt­eistinisgc­mhayrapcat­retrioznee­d BbSyc at systems who provide comprehens­ive inflammati­on of muscles with resultant in risk of aspiration of food and University of Botswana, I was admit- aspiration eye and Pneumonia. vision care, The which speech includes muscle weakness. The muscles ted at the University of Auckland in may refraction also be nasal. and These dispensing, symptoms are diagnosis normally affected are those around tNhewshoZu­eladlearns,dhitpos,ptuhrigshu­seaOndptno­emcke.try.duetaonind­vomlvaenma­egnetmofeo­netsoopfha­dgiesaelas­neds of the ThUpeomnuc­soclme pwleeatkin­oens,sIiscapmro­exibmaaclk­anhdome phareyyneg­eanl mdutshcele­sr,eahnadbtih­leityaitni­odincaotef condiasmor­etisoenves­reofditshe­easev.isual uasutahlle­y fisyrmstmM­etorticsaw­l.anOathtoer­gmraudsucl­aetse systems. Primary that an Optometris­t. can be affected I include have also those done of a Involvemen­t care optometry of respirator­y is complete musclestha­t eye and the upper oesophagus and phanynx. is those of the diaphragm and Diagnosis of Polymyosit­is is based Masters Degree in Public Health with vision care that highlights the importance on Clinical presentati­on and investigap­reventtiio­ns,

Polymyosit­is is a rare condition that rib cage, results in weakness of these

University of Liverpool in the UK. muscles with of weak optometry respirator­y in effort . Early diagnosis and treatment is affects females more than males. It uOsnuamlly­y areffteucr­tns ahdoumltes ifnro1m99t­6h,eI3jordine­dand theaplatht­ieendt uwcilal tcioomnp, lhaienaolt­fhshporrot-moteiossne­n,

tial fBooraggoo­dMcoldinii­iscanl oeutcome. dtheceadpe­riovnawtea­rsdescwtio­thr a npedaksuin­bcsideeqnu­centlyness­hoef ablrtehatm­h anindtmena­aynecned, udpiahganv­oinsgis, treaTt-he major diagnostic criteria for

respimraet­onrtyafani­ldurreerhe­aqbuirlint­agtaiossni­s,tacnocuens­elPinogly,myositOisn/ Daedrmaya-ttom-dyaoysitbi­assiis fsrtoamrte­agdem40y-6p0riyveat­res.practice in 2000. and interdisci­plinary consultati­on.

Opticians are primary health care profession­als who provide vision care through refraction and dispensing of optical aids such as spectacles.

How is it diagnosed? Breakdown the tests that one would have to undergo?

called the Bohan and Peter Diagnostic Criteria. These include:

Proximal muscle weakness- Weakness of muscles of the shoulder/ pelvic girdle and neck muscles

Elevated serum muscle enzymesThe­se are markers of muscle inflammati­on, and they are elevated in patients with active disease

Abnormal Electromyo­graphy resultsThe body makes muscles contract by electrical discharges from nerve endings at muscle membranes. An inflamed muscle will result in an altered electrical activity

Muscle biopsy- A sample of the inflamed muscle is taken and analyzed in the lab to identify characteri­stic features of muscle inflammati­on seen in Polymyosit­is

Polymyosit­is is classified as ‘definite’ in the presence of 4 criteria, ‘probable’ with 3 criteria and ‘possible’ with 2 criteria.

Laboratory tests

Muscle enzymes- There are many causes of elevated muscle enzymes so these should also be ruled out when investigat­ing a patient for Polymyosit­is

Antibodies-Specific antibody tests should be done as some (Myositis Specific Antibodies) help to predict clinical manifestat­ion and prognosis

or eye inflammati­on. of the disease

I got in touch with you recently after one of your patients pointed me in

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