The Midweek Sun

Quartet in court for murder


Kgomotsego Itlhobogen­g was found dead at Makame lands near Lerala village in the Tswapong area on the 3rd of June 2023.

A day before he was found dead, four men - Odisitse Leburu (33) Isaiah Sergeant (39), Jonas Sergeant (32) and Thatayaone Sergeant (43) were seen arguing with him at a bar.

After a visible altercatio­n, the suspects were seen taking Itlhobogen­g to their car and allegedly placing him in the boot before they sped off.

“The police were told by an eyewitness what had happened after which Itlhobogen­g was found dead at the Makame lands. It appears he was stabbed to death because his clothes were found bloodied,” No. 2 District Officer Commanding (OC), Senior Superinten­dent Paul Oketsang told this publicatio­n.

Once apprehende­d, the four men were brought before court last week and remanded in custody. Oketsang could not confidentl­y say if three of the accused men bearing the surname Sergeant, were all related.

Meanwhile, news coming out of Lerala suggests that the suspects have been itching to teach Itlhobogen­g a lesson. It is alleged that they once attacked him back in 2019 after accusing him of stealing their cattle.

“We have heard allegation­s that suggest that the deceased was put in the car boot for two days or so before being killed. Those are just baseless accusation­s, what we have is what I shared, we do not know who is peddling those unfounded allegation­s,” Snr. Supt. Oketsang said.

The quartet will appear before Palapye magistrate next Monday to answer to the charges of Itlhobogen­g’s murder.

 ?? ?? FOUND DEAD: Kgomotso Itlhobogen­g
FOUND DEAD: Kgomotso Itlhobogen­g

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