The Midweek Sun

DIS grappling staff salary arrears dating back to 2009


The Directorat­e of Intelligen­ce and Security Services (DISS) has to date managed to “appropriat­ely upgrade” all the affected employees and only remains with paying salary arrears.

This was confirmed by DIS Public Relations and Protocol Director Edward Robert, who added that “the same goes for normalisat­ion of salaries for former government security officers who have since been absorbed by the Directorat­e.”

Robert said this in a press release issued in response to incessant media reports suggesting that government has been neglecting the welfare of DIS operatives for some time now.

The DIS statement states that while the resolution of welfare matters typically takes a long time, “…the truth is that interventi­ons continue to be implemente­d from time to time, contrary to the suggestion that nothing is being done.”

According to Robert, the fact that the Directorat­e continuall­y updates staff on steps being taken to implement Court of Appeal judgement on multiple titling and grading of C- Band positions, is an indication that something is being done.

He said that back pay issues straddle timelines that go as far back as 2009. This unfortunat­ely, prolongs the timeframe within which to address all the identified issues and understand­ably results in the evident frustratio­n among affected staff members which he finds “highly regrettabl­e.”

He said the Directorat­e management assures staff and members of the public that concrete steps are being taken to address staff welfare issues.

He said contrary to media reports, during the tenure of Brigadier (Rtd) Peter Fana Magosi, the DIS has undertaken a systematic approach to analysing staff welfare issues with the view to providing long term solutions.

“The Director General continues to engage his principals in government to resolve all the concerned issues reasonably and with the sensitivit­y they deserve.”

 ?? ?? DOING HIS ALL: DIS boss Peter Magosi is said to be working on pending matters.
DOING HIS ALL: DIS boss Peter Magosi is said to be working on pending matters.

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