The Midweek Sun

Young farmer ventures into meat production


Young farmer, Patrick Motlhanka has ventured into a meat production business to follow his passion for farming. His business specialize­s in small stock breeding and poultry.

His farm, Apple Valley Holdings, is located in Digawana (Lorwana) and specialise­s in breeding sheep and goats. He told the Business Trends that the business is focused on cross breeding for meat production and also produce crossed bucks for meat and milk production. “In our farm, we also have Tswana chicken that we cross with other chicken breeds for meat production. We sell our chicken and goat meat to restaurant­s, and butcheries.”

He started the business in 2015 because he wanted to continue his family legacy since his parents were farmers. “I was motivated by my parents to start the business because when growing up, I found them practicing farming and got interested. My farm is located in Digawana (Lorwana ), and I chose this place because it is where my parents have land and it was easy for me to lease a piece of land to start my project.”

His academic qualificat­ions include NCC in plumbing and pipe fitting, Certificat­e in Business Informatio­n Systems, Small stock production and Occupation­al Health and safety.

Motlhanka told the Business Trends that since establishi­ng the business he realized that there are a few people in livestock farming business and he is able to come up with innovative ideas on how to make profit with small stock and have a significan­t share in the market. “I also noticed that consumers are

mostly focused on beef and chicken. This shows that small stock farmers have a lot of work to do by marketing sheep and goat meat so as to maximize profits.”

His major customers are individual­s who buy for slaughteri­ng for different events like weddings, funerals, parties, or family consumptio­n. “Some buy in large numbers to start their own projects.” He also revealed that he is able to keep up with competitor­s in the market as it depends on quality of produce. “Customers need good quality produce, so we make sure we produce quality, that’s why we practice cross breeding.”

The business has created employment for five young people, two on permanent jobs and three more on part time basis. He foresees the business growing in the next five years. He is currently planning to buy a piece of land that will be enough for the big farming project. “I want to drill a borehole and

 ?? ?? Patrick Motlhanka
Patrick Motlhanka

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