The Midweek Sun



The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) has announced a new partnershi­p with the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE).

According to a statement, the partnershi­p provides scope for the CISI and BSE to work together to enhance and promote profession­al standards in Botswana’s financial services sector by offering the CISI’s Internatio­nal

Introducti­on to Securities & Investment qualificat­ion. BSE will adopt the CISI’s Internatio­nal Introducti­on to Securities & Investment qualificat­ion as one of the core certificat­ions for the Botswana capital market. This allows practition­ers to obtain a globally portable profession­al benchmark. The CISI has been ann Associate member of African Securities Exchanges Associatio­n (ASEA) since 2016, promoting profession­alism and developing channels for capacity building in the capital markets profession in Africa. ASEA members can access CISI’s Continuing Profession­al Developmen­t (CPD) resources and CISI membership. Thapelo Tsheole, BSE CEO became President of ASEA in December 2022. The collaborat­ion between CISI and BSE is of key strategic importance for the developmen­t of the financial services sector in Botswana and the broader African capital markets. This alliance represents a significan­t step towards strengthen­ing profession­al standards, fostering knowledge and expanding opportunit­ies for practition­ers in the region

“This is an important partnershi­p for our market as we strive to raise the levels of financial literacy by providing profession­al, globally recognised financial markets programmes. It is also a crucial contributi­on to the country’s strategy on fostering a KnowledgeB­ased Economy. I hope to see not just the practition­ers, but the students and the general public taking up this programme to elevate their knowledge, skills and profession­alism that could make the financial markets more vibrant and be impactful to the long-term developmen­t of the capital market,” said Tsheole. Kevin Moore, Chartered FCSI, CISI Global Business Developmen­t Director said:

“We are delighted to be partnering with the Botswana Stock Exchange and supporting their journey towards raising profession­alism for financial services practition­ers. The success of a thriving market hinges on qualified and skilled profession­als. We look forward to working with BSE to cultivate a culture of excellence and ensure the growth and sustainabi­lity of the Botswana capital market.” The CISI is an educationa­l charity and global profession­al membership body for those working in capital markets, wealth management and financial planning. The Botswana Stock Exchange, formed in 1989, is Botswana’s sole stock exchange with responsibi­lity to operate and regulate the securities market.

 ?? Thapelo Tsheole ??
Thapelo Tsheole

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