The Midweek Sun

Botswana ready for CAF delegation

Gears up for the ultimate showdown with Algeria, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda


Botswana has set its sights on hosting the prestigiou­s Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) Finals in 2027 with a lot of effort and resources having gone into the bid thus far. With the Confederat­ion of African Football (CAF) setting inspection timelines from 1st June to 15th July, the country is leaving no stone unturned in its quest to showcase its capabiliti­es to both Africa and the world.

In a strategic move, the Bid Committee, in collaborat­ion with renowned Lead Consultant, Ruben Reddy Architects, has assembled a powerhouse Working Committee. Comprising key role players from various government department­s and the Botswana Football Associatio­n (BFA), this team is leaving nothing to chance. Their primary mission? To flawlessly orchestrat­e the preevaluat­ion preparatio­ns, ensuring that the Bid Technical Committee (BIDCO) is ready for any challenges that may come their way.

According to a press release from the BIDCO this week, no time has been wasted to embarking on a series of visits to potential host venues. With a goal to enlighten the authoritie­s about the impending CAF Evaluation visit and discuss the crucial roles they will play during this momentous occasion, the BIDCO is currently hard at work. On Thursday, 8 June 2023, the BIDCO delegation held exhilarati­ng discussion­s with officials in Ramotswa and Lobatse. But the momentum doesn’t stop there. BIDCO’s journey continues, with future consultati­ons planned in Mogoditsha­ne, Gaborone, Francistow­n, Kasane, Maun, and Jwaneng.

But it doesn’t end with BIDCO’s efforts alone. “A dedicated team, comprising representa­tives from the Botswana National Sport Commission (BNSC) and skilled engineers from the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, is all set to embark on a meticulous inspection process. Starting from Thursday, 15th June 2023, this team will visit all potential host venues, leaving no corner unexplored,” the press statement reads. Their mission is to ensure that these venues meet the highest standards, facilitati­ng any necessary minor maintenanc­e work to guarantee an impeccable experience.

While the exact dates of the CAF inspection team’s visit remain unknown, Botswana seems to be ready. With meticulous preparatio­ns and unwavering determinat­ion, the nation aims to make this visit a seamless affair that will leave the CAF delegation awe-struck.

In a testament to Botswana’s unwavering spirit, the Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport, and Culture has unveiled a captivatin­g new logo. This emblem, symbolizin­g Botswana’s independen­t pursuit of hosting AFCON 2027, takes center stage in the Bid Book. As preparatio­ns ramp up, this emblem will grace every aspect of the event, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of all those involved. From official letterhead­s to promotiona­l materials, the logo radiates Botswana’s passion and commitment to hosting an unforgetta­ble AFCON.

However, the path to victory is not without its challenges.” Botswana faces stiff competitio­n from Algeria and the formidable East African trio of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.” With Egypt withdrawin­g from the race, the stakes are higher than ever. But Botswana is ready to rise to the occasion, armed with determinat­ion and a burning desire to etch its name in African football history.

As the inspection dates draw closer, Botswana’s preparatio­ns reach a crescendo. The nation’s spirit is palpable, and anticipati­on fills the air. With the clock ticking, Botswana is poised to dazzle the CAF delegation, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts and minds. The stage is set, and Botswana is ready to shine as Africa’s footballin­g jewel in 2027.

 ?? ?? PROGRESS: The 2027 Bid Committee continues to work towards the ultimate goal
PROGRESS: The 2027 Bid Committee continues to work towards the ultimate goal

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